Back in the day we poor people would have had all night ho downs and tore the barn down, or had naked drunk parties in the forest. We should get back to that
Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛
I’ve heard you gotta go to Ren fairs to meet all the freaky swingers
You don’t HAVE to but it does make it much easier
I could be entirely wrong here, but I remember hearing that if you ever go on the Star Trek cruise, it’s advisable to bring recent STD tests.
Bunch of freaky, sex starved trekkies? No surprised
Board game nights might work, but the board game folks like pain with their casual sex
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Fun fact, my SO and I met at a dance (poor person gala). It still happens.
Let’s be honest. If I was alive back then, I would have been married off in exchange for a plow, 3 pigs, and 12 sacks of potatoes, if I was lucky.
Hmm 3goats take it or leave it
I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. Literally, I don’t have any say in the matter.
Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You’re worth at least twice that many sacks of potatoes.
You didn’t go to galas unless you owned successful businesses or people.
Yeah but we also still have tavern wenches like your mother.
Uncool dude… Mother deserve to be treated nicely on the fediverse.
If she’s into “nice guys,” I guess I could role play.
So your answer to misogyny is more misogyny… How elegant !
That’s not misogyny, it’s objectification.
You know their mother won’t see this right?
I want this, but men dress up in their favorite version of “formal”. Classic black tux? Yes. A 19th century get-up complete with cravat? Absolutely. A tee with a tux printed on it & black jeans? Sure. Medieval finery? Bring it.
I want to see them trying to attract partners like they’re peacocks. I’d be curious to see who/what draws a crowd!
Women should do the same. I’d love to attend something like that!
You’ll just be swarmed exclusively by other men asking about your setup. But maybe that’s what you’re into!
(also blue jeans are not allowed at this event unless they are a part of the Canadian Tuxedo)
You’re gonna need a mop with a fit like that.
This exists at colleges and senior centers, surely we can get something in between…
How so? They still need people to open the doors and do the catering.
Oooh they mean as an invited person? Pwffft na mate, everyone wants to be the princess but there’s not as many openings as they think.
Such people only “love” you for your status, as an exquisite piece of their collection. You are merely a luxury for them.
I never go dancing in bals populaires whether for the forteen of July or for the fête de la musique but where do this person live not to have a place to go, dance and meet people?
I mean, if you want to go the capitalist way, nightclub are quite spread around the world…Yes, there are all kinds of dance events from the formal to the casual. It depends where you live, I guess what’s on offer.
Vienna has a fantastic ball culture for example.
I’ve always heared that LATAM would do the siesta cause they go dancing at night. I even meet people that move there for a few years just to enjoy the dancing culture.
Hey, that’s what I think when I walk past a local party for all the people that suck the dicks of the local political party.
Imagine missing out on nightclubs and all the other places a normal person can enjoy a night out…
This is correct, my company hosts a Gayla every year and I’m not invited to that either. It’s for donors and essential folks only
Do they spell it like that?
Probably not
… the met gala
Bring back Masquerades!
Fuck you, Sabbat rules!
You mean, Mardi Gras balls? We still have those where I live. They’re expensive and some exclusive.
I don’t think I would get along well with people who liked adolescent me.