You can’t cancel your reservation within 24 hours. You can rebook it. Okay, rebook it for one week out. Call back a day later, cancel.
Why wait the extra day, Just do it in the same call. They don’t get paid enough to give a shit. And if they do, you technically haven’t broken any rules.
Yeah, I’m Canadian. Thus, non-confrontational by nature. Now, If I was answering a call and someone did that, I’d let them get away with it, 100%.
Managers audit those calls. Source: I’ve worked in three call centers.
And why should the customer care?
My brother-in-law didn’t want to carry his jacket around at Disney World, and he didn’t want to get a locker for it, so he had his dad turn it in to lost and found. At the end of the day, before leaving the park, he picked it back up.
Somebody else could’ve taken that.
The lost and found at my school sometimes gathers interest on some items. Umbrella on a rainy day got 4 people claiming it’s theirs. But a golden chain is still winning at 8 people claiming it as theirs.
That’s why you hide the item and get the person claiming it’s theirs to tell you a piece of identifying information about the item so they can prove it’s theirs.
Welp, my school just sends everyone pictures of the items and waits who claims it.
That’s a different problem entirely, your school needs to rethink things. Kind of funny though!
Why does the school need to rethink things?
It’s in their interest to get rid of the items quickly so they don’t have to store them.
Who gets them doesn’t matter to the school.Because it’s unethical, and because if they just said “hey we have a lost object; if you are missing anything, come by and describe it” it would help reunite more items with their rightful owners.
Yeah and also if the school really doesn’t care about it getting back to the rightful owner, they should just throw everything out.
That just sounds like a flea market.
Ingenius! Even more ingenious: every time you leave go to lost and found and pick up a free random jacket.
Don’t be a dick to service workers. Your entire life will be better.
Not really “loophole”, more like common sense
Or basic manners. Although, if you want to consider basic manners a loophole, I’m okay with that. It doesn’t matter how you get there.
But a service worker knows lots of loopholes, and they can help you take advantage of them or choose not to bring it up if you’re treating them badly.
This isn’t a loophole–just how any decent human being should behave.
I think working retail should be a mandatory thing like how military service is mandatory in some countries.
Everyone should have to serve their time doing retail so that they can have a bit of empathy
Alright, so, in Texas you’re not allowed to own an opossum as a pet. There is no license for owning a pet opossum (they’re “fur-bearing animals”). However, there is a license that’ll let you kill opossums for their fur. Furthermore, said license allows you to trap them. The interesting part is that there’s no legal requirement for you to actually kill the opossum if you trap one. You can trap the opossum and take possession of it for however long you like.
So basically a hunting license (might have been a trapping license?) lets you effectively own an opossum as a pet in Texas!
Edit: also, yes, opossums are as soft as they look, which is why people used to hunt them for their fur. I got a chance to pet one and it was about as soft, if not softer, than a cat. Also very boney, like cats.
I kinda get the impression they bite, a lot.
I grew up in FL and had a “pet” opossum for a while. Her mom was hit by car when she was a baby and she crawled up to our front door during a rain storm. My mom was heart broken when she realized what happened so she let us keep her till she was old enough to be released. She was super cuddly and would crawl up on your neck and lick your hair. We partially potty trained her using dog pee pads. The only down side is she liked to borough in our couch so we had to move the couch often and clean it out.
Once she was an adult we would let her out at night when other opossums in the neighborhood were around. She usually came back in the morning and would eat a bunch of food. One day she didn’t come back so I hope she integrated with the local opossums and lived a happy life.
they hiss and act like a bad ass but they are naturally bug eaters, not a lot of fight in them
I’ve never hung out with one, but they were common in my neighborhood growing up and they were honestly pretty nonviolent. They just play dead instead of aggressing , but I also never pushed them to interact
Nope, they’re mostly all bark, no bite. You have to actually harass them to get them to bite you, even if they’re showing their teeth. Their bite strength is one of the lowest among mammals too. That said, supposedly their teeth are actually really sharp.
My friend has one and nope, no biting! He pretends he’s a raccoon (she had a herd of raccoons as well)
They like to show their teeth but they don’t like to bite
I’ve pet a lot of opossums. Not been bit by one… But those teeth are scary.
An ‘exploit’ along somewhat similar lines works for having a cat (or dog) as a pet in Waahington State:
Tons of apartments or rented out rooms of houses will say that they do not allow cats.
Basically, if you can go to a therapist, counselor, paychologist and tell them hey I really love my cat, he/she cheers me up when I’m down, I’d definitely become depressed if he/she ever ran away or I had to part ways with him/her…
Now this cat is your registered emotional support animal.
This costs you nothing beyond the normal cost of visiting your mental health specialist.
By law, it doesn’t matter what a landlord’s stance on allowing cats (or dogs) is, if it is officially your emotional support animal, it can live with you, and the landlord is legally barred from charging you a pet deposit or monthly pet rent/fee.
Jury nullification.
Deny defend depose.
I’m on some watch list now.
Back in the day they were “selling” dollar coins through tv. It was legal tender so banks had to accept any deposit of it. The U.S. mint offered free shipping in the continental U.S.A.
Some smart folks started buying them with their credit card that offered air travel miles as a reward. Then they took all the coins and depositing them in their bank and paid off their CC. Rinse and repeat.
Yes they were out no money and had thousands of dollars worth airline miles.
One of the sub plots to Punch Drunk Love, and a true story.
don’t those coins cost more than their face value? you are talking commemorative coins yeah?
Commemorative coins do cost more that is correct. However this was not those. This was when the US mint was essentially attempting to phase out the dollar bill and replace it with a coin.
Keep in mind this was late 90s early 2000s.
If you get married the tradition is for one partner to change their last name to match so both have the same last name.
We didn’t do that, so we have different last names.
So when you sign up for services that offer (x) months free or discounted cost per unique household, you use one name, cancel, and sign up under the other name. They don’t know you’re married, don’t know if it’s a rental, or don’t know if it’s a roommate thing. So when we were poor AF we could save a lot of $ on services at least for a few months or so. Usually cable tv that offered a 6-month discount.
Even with the same last name they don’t know you’re married. We share a last name and have done this a few times before.
Well played, then.
Where I live you can freely use your maiden name or your spouse’s name and switch between them whenever you want.
We didn’t like either of our last names so before getting married I legally changed mine so my Spouse could adopt it after the wedding, instead of both of us legally changing it after the wedding.
has not worked for me. most places its by address.
Eh, this was years ago we played this game. We tried to keep it on the DL by not changing immediately after the discount, usually several months later. We also had separate checking accounts and cards, so that probably helped. The policy may have updated since then, but I don’t see how they’d know if one person canceled the policy and another with an entirely different name and payment account opened a new one.
yeah and actually if its a single family home I have gamed the system by putting apt 1a, 1b, etc but I have not tried it when I actually have an apt/unit/whatnot
There was a burrito shop that had a frequent customer card that you could use to earn points towards a free menu item. You could register the card online and for whatever reason you could add multiple cards to the same account.
A friend of mine realized that if you registered a new card they would give you a decent chunk of points just for signing up, then you could merge that account in with your existing account and get free points.
Every chance he got he would grab handfuls of the cards, activate them all, and get tons of free food.
A friend of mine found a loophole at a burrito shop as well. They had some old points system where you’d have to go to a url on the receipt, and enter a code for a free taco. Eventually the promotion ended because they stopped printing the URL, but they never shut down the webpage either. So he continued to get free tacos from the old webpage, but whatever proof of purchase was needed could be used from the same receipt used to get the previous free taco. He doesn’t do it too often so no one catches on, but he would eat for free there once or twice a week.
I had a similar thing with a promotional card at a bar called Wurstküche in LA some years back shortly after it first opened. The card said something like “one free sausage” on it. The intent was you use the card once, and then they take it away and next time you want a delicious gourmet sausage you need to pay. All of my friends had one of these cards, and eventually they all were taken away, but they never took my card and we kept going back to that bar over and over again to get sausages and drink beer.
Not drinking isn’t one of the 12 steps
12 steps of what?
The 12 steps of drinking. Not drinking’s not one of them.
Addiction recovery if I had to guess, in this case alcoholism.
But commiting yourself to the idea of surrendering to some kind of God is.
So you can fail AA as a sober atheist, but pass it as a religious, functional alcoholic.
Great system.
Working as intended
Eye, but not drinking feels like a loophole insofar that I’ve abstained for over 5 years and went from no money to having a down payment for a house saved up, all while improving my health by leaps and bounds. Can’t get a beer gut if you don’t drink 👌
I’m probably 5 years sober … and yes you can :(
Do they still call it a beer gut when you don’t drink? Shouldn’t they call it a pizza and fries gut or something?
I’d say it’s mostly energy drinks,
but I found a really good zero alc beer that is also putting in work so technically still a beer gut.
Tried cancelling adobe. They wanted to charge for the rest of the year or something as a cancellation fee. Instead, I “upgraded” to a more expensive package, giving me their 14 day refund policy and was able to cancel immediately and still gave me access to the rest of the month. Fuck adobe
deleted by creator
Fuck adobe
Pirating adobe will always be morally correct
Thankfully nowadays, there are good to great alternatives to the Adobe equivalent. Often times they’re free to use.
There was a big freeway running over our city with a few exits which always backed up with traffic and didn’t go where I wanted. One of the exits led into a convention centre pay carpark, with ridiculous costs per hour.
I realised I could pull in there and if you left within ten minutes they didn’t charge you.
It was my personal freeway off ramp for years.
If you want to cancel a subscription for whatever reason, worst comes to worst (dark pattern nonsense like trying to cancel an Adobe subscription) you can call your bank and request for a replacement card
However sometimes they allow cards that are being used for recurring subscriptions to keep going even if you’ve had the card replaced. I know from experience Chase does this
It’s supposedly for convenience. More for the people charging me than me, but convenient nonetheless.
My American Express card was compromised a few weeks ago and while they sent me a new card I was still able to use the old one at stores, use mobile payments, and recurring payments could process. The only thing I couldn’t do was use it online. Even after I received the new card, recurring transactions were able to occur.
Specifically ask the bank to revoke authorization codes.
Tell them it was lost/stolen. Don’t dispute any existing charges, but for security reasons they should still block any new charges made against the old card.
I learned this because I used to get drunk and lose my credit card.
I work for a UK bank, and we automatically provide your replacement card details to all subscriptions, for example Netflix, Spotify, adobe, amazon prime, gym and many many others etc. The reason for that is that if you lost your card or it expired, you would otherwise have to spend ages updating the card numbers with all your providers. We call the subscriptions ‘recurring visa’ and if you ask your bank to place a recurring visa block, it’s quick and easy and we won’t let your named merchant take further funds. No need for a new card. However, if you are in a contract and you deny the company access to your bank card, they may demand that you pay for the rest of the contract still. They won’t be able to get the money from the bank tho.
Use a virtual credit card. Gives you full control over each card. I use one for each subscription, especially those I don’t plan to renew.
I did this, a gym membership could “only be cancelled by the manager” I just went online and changed the credit card number on file. Moved away never looked back
The trick with Adobe is to use PayPal… you can then cancel the recurring payment yourself.
Sure, but then you need a PayPal account, and fuck PayPal.
In Australia most retailers discount specific items for “members”. Being a member is free but you need to sign up with your contact details. They will give you a card but no one carries a million cards so cashier’s just ask for your phone number.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority administers phone numbers in Australia and they publish a list of phone numbers which may not be used by telco’s and are reserved for the exclusive use in TV shows, films, and creative works.
I made a note of one of the numbers in my phone, and provide that when asked. Loads of other people are doing this so the number is always registered at every shop.
The conversation usually goes:
- cashier: are you a club member?
- me: yes.
- cashier: what’s your number ?
- me: <ACMA number>
- cashier: oh. wow. there seems to be hundreds of people with this number. what’s your name?
- me: oh really? who’s there?
- cashier: uh, nigel, john, luke…
- me: I’m Luke.
I’ve been doing this on a weekly basis since reading about it in another thread (on reddit) a few years ago. I’ve never encountered a problem and I’ve received thousands of dollars in discounts. I would’ve gotten those discounts anyway but would’ve had to sign up with my personal number in order to receive them.
“I forgot my card. Can I use the store card?”
One time at Kroger the cashier lady refused to let me use the store card, so I had to sheepishly look back towards the line, and the woman behind me let me use hers. I gave that cashier such a look.
This sounds like a different set up to the way things roll down under.
Cashier’s just assume that no one carries their card, and they ask for your phone number to look up your membership. IDK what a store card is.
That’s genius. Love it, I’m using it for sure. Thanks!
Issue with that, at least in the u.s. is that stores often give you points that accumulate that can be redeemed for certain dollar amounts or a big discount on a single purchase.
Yeah. This is a potential problem.
I’m not directly aware of this reward points thing actually happening in Australia. I mean they send text messages about sales and member only discounts, but real actual money off something you actually needed to buy isn’t something I’ve seen or heard of.
In the US, this typically works with (zip code)-867-5309
In the United States the same concept has sloshed around a bit; (xxx)555-01xx is the official range of “reserved for fiction, guaranteed not to connect” numbers; most people think it’s all of 555. It isn’t, there was a directory assistance service on 555-1212 until 2020. In the first Ghostbusters film their phone number is given as 555-2368. I’ve seen a number of fictional programs give a number as 555-5555. If they ever were reserved, they’re not now. The 555 exchange is explicitly NOT reserved in the toll-free area codes, which is how The Last Of Us accidentally included the number of a sex chat line. “I thought 555 numbers weren’t real.” No it’s more nuanced than that.
Then there’s 867-5309, made famous by the band Tommy Tutone. They wrote a song about finding a girl’s name and number written on a men’s room wall and used a valid phone number. In fact, because no area code is given it’s several hundred valid phone numbers. Across the United States in the early 1980’s a few hundred random people started getting prank phone calls asking for “Jenny”. The number remains valid and several are still in use and even specially requested but I don’t think they’ll issue it sequentially anymore.
If your bank can only deposit a certain amount of a check the same day and you need it all just cash it and deposit the cash
Great tip, if you live in the 1980s
It’s still valid today.
Payroll fucked up and I didn’t get a deposit a few weeks back. They gave me the choice of waiting 2 weeks and having the deposit added to my next paycheck, which is totally undoable, or they would cut me a paper check that day.
I took the paper check.
I decided it would be easiest if I could use my Bank apps Mobile deposit but it only allowed me to access $500 of it that day, the rest had to wait until the next business day which was Monday.
If I would have thought about it I would have done it this way so I could have had access to the whole check before the weekend.Sorry, can’t imagine having a banking system that’s a decade behind fuckin Eritrea or Kazakhstan and thinking it’s the norm 😂
It’s not OPs fault they live in an underdeveloped nation, they’re just trying to get by.
Why be such a jerk to OP?
You still don’t necessarily get the full amount. Depending on the bank writing the check, you may only get a person available today. Payroll checks might give you all of it, but I’ve had checks deposited in person that only let me have the first 3-500 available immediately.
In the USA the FASFA is used to determine how much financial aid (grants, or zero interest loans) someone can get for university
Unfortunately it looks at parents assets as well as the adult students assets.
- over the age of 25
- military veteran
- married
So the loop hole here is obvious, two students should get married, then their financial need will be totally unmet and get the highest level of benefits
I know someone who had to do this. Her parents were abusive and were refusing to do the FASFA paperwork, holding it over her head for something. She had already been in college a couple of years at this point. So, she found a friend she trusted and they got married, allowing her to get the funding she needed to continue to attend college.
The US is so trash.
by such a large degree it’s frightening. Waiting for the Bell riots to happen is taking forever
My girlfriend was in a similar situation. The people at FASFA will work with you if you can prove that your parents will not comply and you aren’t financially dependent on them. As long as your friend wasn’t living with her parents, she likely didn’t have to get married.
She had tried working with them and they weren’t giving her any other choice.
I’m fr curious if this can work. If it does, it seems beyond impossible to find a 25 year old college woman who would even want to marry
Two 18 year old students about to start university get married. I think it can even be same sex, marriage is marriage.
Remember Marriage isn’t for life! You and your partner could get married with the understanding this is just a college marriage.
“Hey, let’s just get married to be eligible for benefits. Yeah, we’ll just pinky promise that we won’t ever abuse the hell out of our ‘partner’ who we now share every single responsibility with. I also took out a huge loan to buy a boat, why are you asking, dear? Half of it is technically yours, why aren’t you happy?”
two penniless students are judgement proof, so even in this scenario when they divorced there wouldn’t be anything to recover. As a 18 year old with nothing, as long as you don’t have kids, there is almost nothing to lose.
It’s not about losing stuff, it’s about gaining stuff. Debt, mostly.
That’s a whole abuse of the purpose of marriage, though
A loop hole that is technically correct is still correct.
What is the purpose of marriage?
Legally it is a shortcut to establishment of a number of implied contracts, tells the courts how to unwind those contracts, and rights. In some cases the implied contracts are more effective than written ones. Medical decisions and visitation rights being first ones I can think of.
I sm not a lawyer.
Two people bound together for life for the purposes of creating a family
So divorce shouldn’t be allowed in this philosophy?
Only as a last resort. You shouldn’t get married without intending to stay together for life.
Yeah, you can miss me with the religious bullshit. This is a legal loophole in a legal system.
If it was for religious reasons, I would have specified it as a “man and a woman”
“You shouldn’t use marriage to stop yourself being legally chained to your parents. The purpose of marriage is to legally chain you to your spouse.”
If people could “divorce” their parents you wouldn’t have to worry about this.
Only two? That seems needlessly restrictive. Is it for religious reasons? Church and state should be separated.
If it was for religious reasons, I would have specified it as a “man and a woman”
Also, if it’s more than two, that’s not a marriage; that’s a group chat.
You’re thinking about this all wrong. The age of marriage and childbearing have been going up. Think of the kids who would just decide fuck it might as well just stay married and do this. This could be the arranged marriage of the future.