This is what they want for me, you, and our children and wouldn’t hesitate a second to do it again provided the line goes up
This is what they want for me, you, and our children and wouldn’t hesitate a second to do it again provided the line goes up
I’m right there with you. Women have always worked and the 50’s housewife in the US is a historical blip that women fought to escape.
I mean that’s just not true. I thought everyone learned about how WWII offered women the opportunity to join the workforce in mass numbers for the first time because of the crucial roles that were left open by the men who were off to fight. That’s what sparked the transition toward women’s right to work at all. Before that, there was no such right. Unless you are counting cooking and cleaning at home, or tending the family farm, as “work”, but I don’t believe that’s what people mean when we are referring to “a woman’s right to work”.