This came up in my health care forum.
Right now, you can legally detain someone medically when they are a danger to themselves or others for up to 72hrs. The details vary by state, but this is how we lock down individuals trying to suicide or someone mentally off the rails making threats of violence.
This variation on that law would also make opposition to Trump qualify.
Civil commitment can follow as with individuals who have profound mental illness and are not safe to be out in the world.
This is the loudest scream that democracy is dead short of hauling people out into the street and shooting them.
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
Link says document not found.
That’s new. Granted, I did see it on mainstream headlines earlier today.
Oh shit! Free mental healthcare.
Fuck Trump!
I’d like to talk about my mother when possible.
What makes you think it would be free?
Psychiatric hospitals are also allowed to lie to you. You can go in voluntarily, and be upgraded to “involuntary” with no recourse.
Mental health techs will lie - cause problems? Guess what, your notes now say that you are “paranoid” and “hear voices.” You’re “paranoid” because a tech beat the shit out of you two hours ago - you don’t hear voices, but you are “crazy” so obviously lying.
Check what rights institutionalized people have in your state. I can tell you where I live, there are none.
And keep in mind that this is the state of things prior to our current regime that runs on cruelty.
LOL, the stuff of nightmares.
Quite literally in my case.
PTSD from “psychiatric care” is pretty difficult to deal with (and understudied. fascinating how PTSD only garners you empathy and understanding if you’re a combat rep, despite the fact that most with PTSD do have it from sexual abuse and possibly inpatient experiences - suicide rates skyrocket after involuntary commitment, but why do any form of investigation into something that might hurt profits?)
If you’re afraid of wasps, you aren’t expected to go ask a wasp how to deal with it. If, however, you experience severe abuse at the hands of mental health professionals and you live in an area where mental health care = the police, getting any form of help is pretty difficult.
Especially when they consider your gender identity and sexuality as manifestations of mental illness/further evidence that they don’t need to look into the tech beating the shit out of you.
I have met and hung out with a staggering variety of monsters. so much so I might be doxxing myself if I really described the breadth. If you can think of a kind of monster that exists, I have probably met them. I might even have known one well.
I have never met anyone who can reach quite the degree of sadist or control freak as a psychiatrist. Psychopaths aren’t as willing to lie spontaneously and throw people away. future cult leaders aren’t as quick on the self justification trigger. I genuinely believe sydney gottlieb was one of the less malignant assholes that profession has ever produced.
which is a shame, because the pharmacology of the mind is something I’m deeply interested in. there’s cool fucking science there, and we will never see it done.
The power dynamic is the scary part. PTSD isn’t just trauma - it’s trauma with powerlessness and an invalidated narrative.
Saying “hey I need help, I’m struggling with not wanting to leave the house or be alive” - and then losing your rights. Being forced into a room which isn’t clean. The threat that they can medicate you if you annoy them to much (asking to speak to an advocate, asking to file a grievance).
It’s strange that suicidal ideation is considered enough to make you “crazy.” I don’t understand why the response to someone cogently explaining the reasons they want to die (and most of those reasons being fairly rational responses) = “this person is crazy and should be a ward of the state for the next couple days.”
They also get to present this as the only option - “oh, you want 988 to let people just die over the phone?” Well, the research indicates that suicide rates spike not just immediately after institutionalization - but the effects continues for YEARS LATER.
The charge nurse joked that even with the 72-hour hold, weekends didn’t count and they would be happy to keep me for five days if I didn’t shut up.
They also didn’t properly discharge me/provide paperwork. I lost my job because of this. I was already reluctant to seek out help (my mother was a serious Munchausen by proxy - she sent me to institutions as a child telling them I was violent/on drugs/etc - I was a straight edge teen that didn’t even look at porn because I was scared of what she would do.)
Instead of help, I got another set of memories to crush me at 4 in the morning. I got mistreated for being trans, which further contributes to the atmosphere of fear I live in. I lost my job, which is already a struggle because I need to save up to get out of here.
I’m sick of people suggesting therapy as the first response to anyone describing mental health struggles. I’ve met so few capable of anything more than providing the CBT worksheets that seem to be all they’re trained to do nowadays.
Psychiatry and psychology as fields ultimately seem more about the enforcement of social norms than about benefiting the patient.
This reads like low-key Scientology propaganda.
Only in that it’s critical of the field of psychology as it is on the ground? I’m not a Scientologist, and I don’t think the cans are a substitute for care.
The state I live in was under DOJ investigation for using the police/prisons as default responses to behavioral health care. Even the people I call to report my own experience of abuse or children I advocate for - they are all like, yeah, all of the facilities here are like this.
It’s not that psychology is fundamentally bad (although we need to excise Freud entirely) - it’s that in practice there’s very little accountability and a lot of abuse that is covered up due to differences in power. I was able to call and report the fact that I was physically assaulted - the man I saw drugged in a holding cell will probably never be able to express what happened to him a way that will ever be taken seriously or lead to meaningful action.
CBT is flat out ineffective for many people and conditions. It is a serious problem that the majority of practitioners are only taught CBT and will outright lie if you tell them you don’t want CBT.
This is literally CCP level stuff.
Donald Ewen Cameron’s operation was running from what is today known as the Allen Memorial Institute (AMI), part of the Royal Victoria Hospital, and not to be confused with the non-governmental organization based in Montreal, AMI-Québec Agir contre la maladie mentale.
Love how Donald Ewen Cameron gets exactly one sentence that doesn’t even describe anything he did, and is listed under the Canada section with zero mention of being funded by the CIA as part of MKULTRA (which also gets zero mention in the article).
For those who don’t know, Donald Ewen Cameron posed as a normal doctor in Canada and took patients who came in with minor symptoms like headaches or anxiety disorders and put them into months-long comas without their consent to run CIA mind control and drug experiments on, including LSD and electroshock treatments at 30-40 times normal levels. The full extent of his abuse will never be known due to the destruction of records (more details on this page), but many people were severely traumatized with long term effects including, “incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.” “Victims often suffered from retrograde amnesia for the rest of their lives and had to relearn most skills they had. Many were in a childlike state and even had to be potty-trained.”
After conducting these horrific, abusive “experiments” (torture) on innocent Canadians seeking medical help, with US government’s full knowledge and support, Cameron would go on to become president of several different organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and even the World Psychiatric Association.
This is literally USA level stuff.
Holy shit, what? Good god
I know all about MKULTRA, but I’ve never been aware of this or anything else that involved Canada.
Man this country is rotten to the core. The shit that the CIA did with LSD alone constitutes crimes against humanity.
And here I thought it was Roadkill F. Kennedy that was gonna send me to a concentration camp for taking antidepressants. Welp I guess it’s the nuthouse for me instead. At least until being mentally ill at all gets you sent to the “rehabilitation farms.”
My first thought when reading this is….
We’re mere weeks away from martial law.
My second thoughts was, if this is the distraction- what is the other hand doing?
A fair ask.
I guess I’ll see some of you in the loony bin with me. We should play bingo or something.
They probably wouldn’t allow RISK, too “violent”.
I like Mancala, personally.
What’s the bill number? Is there a link to the text for a full read?
It’s a Minnesota bill and the link takes you to the full text.
If you guys haven’t started rioting by now then I lack any empathy for you with what comes next.
Who wrote this fucked up bill? And isn’t Minnesota a blue state?
Like one of the bluest.
Like one of the bluest.
False. It's almost a swing state.
In fact, if you sort the table here you can see that of the states Harris/Walz won there was only one (New Hampshire) where they got a lower percentage of the vote than in Minnesota.
However with the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party having a majority (by a single seat) in the Senate, this bill will obviously not pass, and if it did, obviously the governor (Tim Walz) would not sign it.
This is just trolling by some deeply unserious politicians.
Mn literally has the longest blue presidential voting streak in the country. Just because there’s nuance tto that statement (as there is in everything), that doesnt mean the state isnt incredibly blue.
They had a Republican governor from 2003 to 2011.
Clinton got 46.4% there in 2016, only a 1.5% lead over Trump.
Their House of Representatives is currently split 50/50 (with Republican leadership due to this), and the DFL has a one-seat majority in the Senate.
I wouldn’t call it “incredibly blue”, and certainly not “one of the bluest”.
- Lucero
- ; Drazkowski
- ; Wesenberg
- ; Eichorn
- ; Gruenhagen
but, the bill doesn’t even make sense and uses “psychic” instead of “psychiatric”… so not even proof read….
it’s basically a troll bill, more important things to get upset about (unless you’re in minnesota, then you should petition to remove them)I noticed the “Psychic.” At first I thought that it was alluding to people like me who are lawyers but have a strategic mind and fairly accurately predict outcome with good data and information.
But then I immediately realized they’re just extremely dumb and dangerous. Might also have been trying to say psychotic/psychosis.
If it stays as written, then I would like them try to prove the existence of psychics.
It’s a troll as you say. But having watched the law for a long time and being in the law, it is highly likely that a group that is more competent will get a hold of this idea, draft a real version, and pump that legislation out to every state legislature.
We have that being homosexual is a crime still on the books in most places. We are only 40 years old from homosexuality being considered a mental illness. This sort of thing is absolutely on the table.
I don’t know how to start a riot
This statement sums up modern Western society.
first: start a huge protest with flyers and stuff.
second: start breaking things.
nth: prison for inciting a riot.
(although, worth it)
Lot of people here need to get informed and get a grip. Just because a bill is introduced doesn’t mean it will be passed. The overwhelming majority of bills that are introduced don’t pass. And this is in one state, not federal. And if the legislature passed it the governor may veto it, and it would certainly face legal challenge.
I get that everything sucks right now and it feels like we’re getting attacked on every front. I get the administration is doing illegal stuff. We’re in for a rough time. Still: don’t give them power by acting like every idea they bring up is likely, or possible. This bill is just trolling, it’s so some nobody state level legislators will have a bullet point in their newsletter and a social media post.
You’re missing the point. This shit drags the Overton window to the right every time.
They are testing the limits and normalizing this shit at the same time.
It doesn’t pass… Until it does. Then what.
Lot of people here need to get informed and get a grip. Just because a bill is introduced doesn’t mean it will be passed.
But it absolutely means that republicans want to do it and will keep working at it until they accomplish it or something similar. And democrats will probably fucking go along with it because of course they will.
It can’t happen here…until it does
You are, of course, correct. That said, the level of enforcement happening on illegal acts and judicial orders says it may not matter.
It’s a mess right now. So keeping an eye is good.
While this may be true, most floods start with a single drop of rain.
What in tarnation? Is Trump Derangement Syndrome a real diagnosis now?
No, but he’s impacted mental health. I’ve had people with psychosis wondering, first term, why Trump hadn’t arrived to save them from their crappy lives yet. Crying. Shaking. Legit beside themselves with belief that he was riding in to save them from themselves post election. Going over the edge such that “the shot” needed to be deployed.
Needless to say, news was banned from that unit, airing it made breakdowns increase in both number and severity.
That said, this is not how the current conservative pundits are presenting this so called syndrome. This label is instead assisting in their dismissal of people who think Trump is having a negative impact on America, in whatever way(s) you choose to read his impact as negative. The way they toss “Trump Derangement Syndrome” around is not unlike the classic unhealthy male who can’t maintain a healthy romantic relationship and is thus quick to accuse the ex, all the exes, of being “crazy” in a sad attempt to rally social support. Similar tone.
Yeah, I’m using it get out of work Friday. Long weekend baby!
I always thought it was a mental condition suffered by those who lack the cognitive function it takes to not vote for a fascist dictator.
No, just some terminally online Trump fans think it’s real.
Oh look it’s incredibly fucked up fascist policy again wow I’m so surprised who could have predicted this ?
This sounds like a great way to get a bunch of cops shot. Which is something they’re trying to push the death penalty for…
Killing a public servant leading to death penalty eligibility is one of the verbatim reasons in the law. I am confused by your comment? If you think this is new, I don’t know if it will assuage your concern that it’s a not a new phenomenon. It’s always been a death eligible crime.
It’s always been a death eligible crime.
No, it hasnt
Which results in more cops getting shot
This is literally how the soviet union suppressed dissent in the 80s. Disagreement with the party was legally considered a sign of psychological issues. They did this to replace the gulags.
Russia did this after calling the war a war was made illegal.
Having a human labeled as internally broken has always been effective. Even on the small scale, society takes a step back, maybe, at most, pities, but the label utterly destroys all leadership capacity due to the seed of doubt it plants in everyone.
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
I think it is also important to note that it appears many of these officers are not wearing Level IV plates daily, and plainclothes cops may not be wearing any vest at all.
It’s also important to note that they’re planning on introducing gun control for people considered to be mentally ill. They are going to declare every antifascist mentally ill, and use it to take their guns away.
Which is why I roll my eyes everyone those Dems mentions “Gun Control”.
Armed Minorities are harder to oppress.
Dems are part of the system and are not our allies.
They don’t need to introduce anything, involuntary commitment is already a question on form 4473 and something a NICS check would flag.
Of course, they would still need to physically retrieve any firearms they may have. Unless they planned on handing them over peacefully.
I’m sorry, I lost all my firearms in an unfortunate boating accident.