White House insiders blame National Security Adviser Mike Waltz for a group chat error that exposed military strike discussions to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg.
Waltz mistakenly added Goldberg to a Signal chat about potential strikes in Yemen, involving key officials like Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth and JD Vance.
Trump has defended Waltz but is reportedly weighing his options.
Some aides urge resignation to avoid forcing Trump to make a decision. Critics call Waltz reckless, but House Speaker Mike Johnson opposes his resignation.
No, every person on that chat (other than the editor from the Atlantic) should lose their clearance and be fired. They were all using an unapproved, off-record system for discussing matters of national security. They are all responsible.
Beyond that, every member of the chat could see who else was in it and not a single one put in half a second to scan through the other names/initials to verify they knew everyone included.
No, every single member of that chat should have pointed out that the communication violates multiple clear, long existing federal laws about how communications about federal government business is to be conducted, especially about military operations, and refused to communicate via signal instead of approved channels.
All of them violated multiple laws.
Ok sure, but her emails.
You’re mad about her emails? In a time where his laptop exists?
As long as they find this Ben Ghazi guy idgaf.
That son of a bitch
Buttery Males!
Jeffrey Goldberg should lose his job too but for unrelated reasons. Good on him for publishing this responsibly but he sucks too. He was arguably the main cheerleader for the 2nd Iraq war.
They should & they won’t. You know who owns the executive branch & gives absolutely 0 shits, right?
The crimes each member may have committed exposes them to multi-decade prison sentences.
They’re urging someone to resign? RESIGN?
Let’s see the court cases. Each one of those hypocrites.
two words: presidential pardon.
No one will spend the time, money and effort to prosecute these people when they can just wave the whole thing away with a signature.
@FiskFisk33 @corsicanguppy why not make him do it. Make him sign his approval to every “mistake” his cabinet makes.
But then I don’t really think I understand US politics. To me it makes no sense why there isn’t an impeachment charge against him every day. He’s providing enough ammo. If he’s going to flood the zone, flood it right back.
What’s hard to understand? Republicans control the House, and Republicans are complicit. Any impeachment charge wouldn’t make it out of committee, and any charge on the floor would be quickly voted down.
Then make them vote it down? What is so hard to understand about this? Every impeachment charge is time spent on the floor that forces them to delay voting on other damaging policies. If he’s going to continue flooding the zeitgeist with damaging policies and immoral action, then force his colleagues and constituents to sit down and listen to it in detail. Eventually the end goal doesn’t become worth the sacrifice to get there. There’s a reason no one ever sits through a time share seminar even if its for a free 3 day weekend getaway.
Voting on what? Everything is being done through executive actions. This Congress has rendered itself irrelevant. The only thing Congress is actually doing is voting on nominees, and I think Democrats should vote against those, but they’re too busy unanimously voting in favor of them.
Me neither. I would have thought this was exactly the kind of situation impeachment was meant to stop. I am thoroughly confused.
That’s not the reason to choose not to prosecute. You indict them, prosecute them, sentence them, and then if he wants to pardon them, he is choosing personal loyalty to him over acting against the American people and our national security. Charge them, and use the predictable sociopathic response to beat them incessantly for years.
The people that want these unqualified dipshits in these roles are the same types of people that fell for the fucking lie that Hillary “acid washed” her emails.
BTW, next time you hear some asshat suffering from TDS (the actual kind, not the stupid thing they talk about and that they lifted from Clinton days anyway since they are lazy and unimaginative and always projecting - these people spent their time ever since the early 90s getting the vapors over lots of imagined nonsense related to the Clintons and so they should know about derangement) brain repeating that dumbfuck lie - ask them what they mean by “acid washing” an email or a server. Just keep asking what they mean by that.
Good luck with that. It will never happen.
Orange ShitGibbon had boxes and boxes of top secret stuff in his unlocked toilet right next to a fax machine yet nothing happened.
Not only did nothing happen to him, he also got voted back in again. Ffs.
Big Booby Bondi will remain silent.
Oh, so they are going to blame one fucking guy and it’s not donvict and donvict will bear zero consequences.
Seems like I heard this one before.
I use this app. If I saw a new person added to a casual group chat, I’d ask about it. I’m not an idiot who sucks Trump’s dick, though.
When the most responsible person in the chat is the journalist added in error…
Somehow the kids knew they needed an adult in the room…
Shocking. You shitcan the infosec practices and human resources you’ve built up for decades, and then wonder why your new seive doesn’t make a good bucket.
We’ve got some absolute geniuses running things here.
I’m stealing this analogy
One thing I want to know is: who did Waltz think he was adding? Is there another Goldberg in the administration (or a foreign one?) out there? Or is his name right under Gabbard’s in the contacts list?
I think the journalist just went by his initials as did a few other people in the chat, so it could be as dumb as just having someone with the same initials. Which is notably not how government systems work, for exactly the reason that you need to know exactly who you’re communicating with and the system should make mistakes like this unlikely.
Obfuscating your identity makes sense of you’re trying to talk to leakers or doing something shady and want to allow some deniability should the conversation be compromised. Which begs the question of why so many of them already had their Signal accounts set up that way.
My hopeful theory is that some intern with access to his phone did it so their behavior would get exposed.
I saw speculation about another person in the administration with the same initials. I think they work at the US Trade Representative (?).
Maybe it was Moldbug but Waltz can’t type with his thumbs very well.
There is no passing the buck for matters of national security. The “party of law and order” should know that. They crucified Hillary for far less.
They will all get away with it, mark my words.
No argument here. They absolutely will.
“The buck stops here” - ?
- There is no buck.
- If there is, it’s not a big buck. Or a bad buck.
- If it is, it stops somewhere else.
- If it didn’t, the buck is actually just a glitch.
- If it isn’t, this is the devastating effects of the Biden economy.
- suckers and losers
They consider the sin not to be using unapproved services using an unapproved service, the sin is the guy who got them caught.
Thing is, they’re all fucking idiots.
Buttery males
Actually, I blame one single fucking idiot as well.
I blame approximately 77.3 million idiots
And 90 million lazy idiots too.
Which one fucking idiot?
I always forget how low the bar for “average” is. But for the average person to realize how epically stupid Trump and his goons are takes things like this to happen.
What gets me more depressed is that nearly 4.1 billion people on earth are below average.
We are governed by goobers.
Sadly this is hardly enough either
100%. The entire time I was typing it, I thought, “events like this just expose the magnitude of the dark underbelly.”
Every damn person on that chat was a giant fucking idiot and it’s responsible for the data spill here with their collective agreement to use a non approved communication tool, taking about and continuing to talk about classified data on a unclassified environment, and then not self reporting they’re were complete morons for violating security that a new hire would have known better than to do.
The trump regime is incompetent, evil, and rotten to the core.
At least two senior aides have suggested that Waltz should resign to avoid putting Trump in the “bad position” of having to decide whether to fire him, Politicoreported.
Yeah, that’s it. How dare he do this to Dear Leader and The Cause.
How dare he make Leader have to lie away the US government risking national security and avoiding FOI.
If anyone is flying today maybe ask the NSA people left at the airport why you can’t carry butter if buttery emails make plane sounds. Or maybe let us know if the boot leather tastes a bit buttery, maybe that’s how they polish them.