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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • This is one effect of a general lack of real consequences for corporations and those that run them.

    The company has already determined their likely fine after being caught doing something egregious. The profit from being early to market is significant, and so long as it is considerably higher than the likely fine, they go for it. The expected real earnings are the difference between the profit and the fine. It’s all made worse since so often the fine is absolutely nothing compared to the profit, since the numbers these companies are dealing with are so damn big.

    This is why you won’t see real change until we stop slapping corporations with fines and start slapping executives with jail time. That is literally the only way to break the cycle.

  • And the really shocking thing is how easy that was to normalize.

    Talk about random thing at dinner, phone in pocket.

    Post dinner, hit up Insta and boom, ad for random thing… and at that point, some people go “heh” and keep scrolling. Some likely think it’s “the algorithm” being magical and just using other context cues to guess that they would have mentioned it at dinner. Many have realized that, in fact, the devices you pay for and subscribe to are actively spying on you. Constantly.

    And yet, the number of people who have opted out of using these devices and services is relatively minimum. There is a good reason for that: many of these services are so ubiquitous, they look and feel like utilities. And in some cases, they effectively are, as it can be impossible to use another service without a smartphone.

    Hell, I can’t even pay my damn rent without using some stupid app.

  • Now for extra fun: consider how different the attacks would be if Kamala Harris were a male candidate, with all other factors as close as possible (age, race, background, etc.)

    You wouldn’t be hearing about how he “slept his way” to the top. You wouldn’t be hearing about how his “handlers” had to feed him information because he isn’t capable of debating on his own without prompting. You’d still be hearing a bunch of bullshit, to be sure, but it would be different bullshit.

    The next time someone on the right tries to deflect or muddy the water with “bUt caN You eVeN giVe a sPecIfic eXampLe AboUt hOw tHe RePubLican party / MAGA / Trump Is seXiSt?”, all you must do is point to the kinds of lies they naturally fell into about Kamala Harris.

    What those higher up in the party think of women, and what the rest have chosen to align themselves to, is on full display.