Modded minecraft isnt the worst ever
I started making games to make sure its not
Rimworld, Vicky 2, Ck2, Hoi4, Eu4, Fallout 1 2 3 and New Vegas, Morrowind, Skyrim, and currently Vintage Story. My tastes are damned good profligates can you say the same?!
Edit: Also Total Warhammer.
I have the same list but Caves of Qud also sucked some life out of me. Damn good RPG though.
Currently on my 3rd run of FO4 after finishing my 3rd of Skyrim, with some NMS in between
Elite Dangerous, Rimworld
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts and Sword of the Stars 2.
part of Sword of the stars 2 is even now it sometimes gets so laggy that you can’t finish a game. You just at some point declare that you’ve snowballed enough and can’t be beat anymore.
Hundreds of hours.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is at least getting better now that the devs have abandoned it and modders are taking over.
I have over 2,000 hours in terraria and way more in minecraft. Really anything with good building or creative features is going to hook me for quite a while.
This one particular rp server on San Andreas Multiplayer
It’s not a bad game but Rimworld is destroying my life right now.
I had to ban myself from that game as I’d fall off the face of the earth for weeks at a time
I should get tested or something.
That’s more hours per week than I have to work.
But you can always do more. I have a childhood friend who, when some leagues were released, averaged about 14 hours per day for Path of Exile for two weeks straight. Like 180 hours playtime in two weeks.
Another friend of mine should be at about 8000 hours of Rocket League by now on his main account only. That’s over the game’s full lifespan though.
unrelated but i just noticed that the playtime was 1234, that’s neat
I wasn’t sure if you could read the image clearly. Nerd out!
There was a shitty f2p MMO called GunZ online once upon a time. It was so badly programmed that glitches literally became the primary gameplay loop.
I loved it. For those few that could get into it, it was a unique heaven of fps and fighting game that filled a void an over caffeinated teen with nothing but hyper focus and time didn’t know they had.
Also just ridiculously horny people.
Fuuuuuuck dude haven’t thought about that game in a decade
Don’t call GunZ shitty! I’ll double butterfly your face, or something. It’s been a while.
I remember that, Nexon?
Fuck, there’s enough games that I got addicted to in this thread that I’m scared I’ve got the tism
Eve online took a lot from me , but it gave back a lot more … i think everyone who plays it is on the spectrum, no other explanation tbh
What’s wrong with Rust?
I mean, when you remove the toxicity, it’s a great single-player game.
Ignore the thousands of hours I have in the game.
When I don’t know what to do or watch, i like to watch some rust videos. I love that game. The idea, the execution, the building, the insanity of it. The only downside is that i can’t stand the average rust player. Over all these years i played 12 hours of rust. It’s the only game i own that i play once a year and immediately uninstall after every session.
I once went on a role playing server and it had really nice people on there. Everything was civilized too, they had police officers walking around lol.
People of Lemmy, would you say that Rust (programming language) is better or worse as a multi-player game than Rust (video game)?
Can you hit a tree with a rock while naked I’6m the programming language?
I have the most hours in Warframe, but Factorio is on a different level. If you’re anywhere on the spectrum, it is pure crack cocaine. The only reason I haven’t bought the DLC is because I know it’ll consume a month of my free time.
By the way, Warframe 1999’s soundtrack fucking slaps.
Ignore the expansion and just free base Space Exploration
Can confirm. It’s the only game I play at this point.
Finally got to Fulgora. I want that mech suit.
Space Age is totally worth it though
Deep Rock Galactic is a very good game that doesn’t deserve this slander (except Season 3 which has given me actual nightmares)
Space Station 13 on the BYOND client. Someone has a space station 14 play test available on steam right now and I’m desperately trying not to get into it
Oh yeah, SS14 has finally made the game playable with high ping… anddddd has therefore I’ve put like 300 hours into it.
Its really one of the few games that seems to avoid a community of “meta-gaming” or “instrumental play” which sucks all the fun out of a lot of games with huge roleplay potential.