Like a record baby
ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Like a record baby
It’s supposed to make it credible that a 3 year old said this.
Dominos is disgusting. It’s basically the McDonald’s of pizza. Honestly, I avoid all pizza chains and get wood-fired pizza at a local wine bar. Ooh and I just bought a pizza stone, gonna learn to make them myself!
I am in the back of the station wagon, unfettered
Thursday, I don’t care about you
Bowie’s face says can you believe this fucking shit
Like he’s super impressed with himself
Good point, I didn’t catch that
Shiloh all the way.
So weird, maybe it’s just the ones I know. I’m probably stereotyping them!
No, of course it’s not healthy. I’m just saying it’s not violent.
I think it’s just how boomers were raised. I’m middle-aged and I don’t wash chicken, but my boomer mom is horrified at the thought. She came for a visit and made sure I washed the chicken before I cooked with it. 🙄
In a marriage/committed partnership, I think most people would consider a fight to be an argument with raised voices and some ill feeling. I really don’t think most people consider shouting to be violent. Upsetting, maybe, but violent?
My husband says pobcorn just to fuck with me, I hate it so bad but I can’t help laughing
In a high cost-of-living area, it absolutely can be. And lots of tech jobs are in HCOL areas.
Tryin’ to holla at me
H|ψ> = E|ψ> 😘
The Dave Clark Five is what came to mind first for me