The California governor’s about-face retreat from leading critic of President Donald Trump to MAGA-curious pundit comes at a critical moment for the state
Arguably his career is over: supposedly he can’t be re-elected.
So what’s his next career or where does he want to pivot?
A lot of people have been expecting national office, but he’s been villainized by the right enough that maybe he’s trying to freshen his image. Somehow trumps tv show freshened his image, so his con man past of broken contracts, failing businesses, and ridiculous ego didn’t hurt his election
but a lot of former politicians do well as talking heads. Maybe that’s his gig
He’s not the first or last person to throw away a promising career to make a shitty, embarrassing podcast.
Arguably his career is over: supposedly he can’t be re-elected.
So what’s his next career or where does he want to pivot?