I’m including anything only available on other Nintendo systems as exclusive for this.
I’ve got a $50 eShop card I figure I should spend before gold points go away.
I have BotW. It was alright, but it didn’t excite me enough to get TotK unless it’s on a deep discount.
I’ve also already got Mario Odyssey and Metroid Prime Remastered. I have a handful of other games but they’re not Switch exclusive afaik.
I’m mostly using my Steam deck for handheld these days, so I’d rather not get anything non-exclusive on the Switch right now.
The original game (but not CoH) is cleverly designed to be entirely playable with just four inputs, all non-movement actions can be performed with two simultaneous inputs (jumps). So it’s entirely playable on a dance pad that way. I haven’t tried it myself, but I know it’s a thing you can do, and there’s footage out there of speedrunners doing dance pad runs.