I’m curious what people here listen to, and I’m also looking for new ones to check out. I’m personally a big fan of Linux Unplugged, MBMBaM, Lateral, and Twenty Thousand Hertz!
I also cannot get Lemmy’s search to work, so apologies if this was already a recent topic.
EDIT: I have so many new podcasts to listen to now.
That does sound like something that works sick with you for days, if not years. I’m so sorry that you’ll spend the rest of your life having flashbacks on someone asking someone else how they like to be addressed.
To ask someone their pronouns at the beginning of a 1-to-1 conversation is pretty weird. After all, the only possible pronoun is “you”, which is not gendered in English (thank goodness!).
So really this could only be ideological posturing. Appropriate for a podcast called “Ologies” maybe, but I prefer to avoid ideology.
What are you talking about? Alie constantly does asides where she talks about the interviewer in the third person or expands upon their comments.
You’re right. Next time I chat with a stranger who looks and sounds like a man I’m gonna open with “So, he-him?” If you really think this is normal and necessary and not-weird, you’re living in a place most people are not. You know this already, of course. Indeed you probably feel morally superior about being in with the weird codes. Like this host, you’re on the team, you know how to talk. And that’s the heart of the issue cos what we have here is a coded form of sanctimony, and nothing drives ordinary folks crazy like sanctimony.