I’m just some guy, you know.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • My support for Palestinians isn’t automatic support for everything they support. I don’t give a shit if the majority support Hamas in some way, even if I strongly disagree with that support.

    But that disagreement doesn’t mean I’m going to stand back and watch these people get wiped out in a coordinated act of genocide. I can disagree with a culture’s values without being complacent as members of that culture are mass-murdered.

    There are a fringe minority here who want to see the roles reversed and a genocide committed against the Israeli people, but those people are psychopaths, and they are outnumbered. Most of us just want to see a stop to mass civilian casualties, and you can’t both-sides that issue right now because, even including the Oct. 7 attack a year ago, Palestinians are suffering orders of magnitude more than Israelis right now.

    Also, You’re a J.D. Vance Supporter

  • they completely abandoned everything they ran on

    First and foremost, no she didn’t. She’s still one of the most progressive members of Congress, and she continues to fight for realistic progressive policies including universal healthcare, free college, and housing as a human right.

    You’re welcome to disagree though. Move to her district so you can campaign and vote against her if it really matters to you. Her district keeps reelecting her (82.2% of the vote this year) so I guess she presently represents them quite well.

    Or, if relocating so that you get a say in AOC’s representative abilities isn’t a part of your game plan, consider campaigning for the kind of representation you want to see for your current congressional district. Take a stand where you actually get a voice.

    But your constant opposition to Democrats, two months away from an election where Fascism is knocking at the door, isn’t helpful. If your goal is a progressive future, you need to be paying attention to what’s on the line right now. If your priority is to purity test Liberals instead of campaigning against Fascist Republicans like lives depend on it (they do), then you’ve completely lost the plot.

    One side ® is starting Pograms and threatening genocide against millions of immigrants. The other (D) doesn’t promise your ideal leftist utopia. Think hard about which of these concessions you’re willing to accept as you continue constantly attacking Democrats with nobody lined up to replace them but Republicans.

  • As far as I can tell, The Harris/Walz campaign hasn’t officially responded to this endorsement. Are you getting mad about stuff that hasn’t even happened?

    Believe it or not, the Harris/Walz campaign doesn’t orchestrate endorsements. Anyone can endorse a candidate with or without that candidate’s knowledge, permission, or acknowledgement.

    Harris may be getting the endorsement of old-school/moderate Republicans, but Trump has the endorsement of extremist/far-right Republicans and Neo-Nazis.

    If you can’t pick a side here, that’s entirely your own moral failure.

  • You’re just repeating the same tired old “Liberals are just as bad” bullshit everyone has heard a thousand times already. Not a single point here is true.

    I have zero reason to believe she “blindly supports the military”, though I suppose that depends on what level of support for the military you object to.

    She has spoken far more directly about a ceasefire and has been more concerned about Palestinian civilians than most other politicians.

    As for the “compromises with fascists” claim, that’s just bullshit, and you know it. Yeah, I know, she’s got the endorsement of many old school Republicans, but Trump isn’t an old school Republican. It makes sense that more intellectually honest Republicans, even if I disagree with them immensely, aren’t interested in another Trump term.

    Unless you have something productive and realistic to recommend on how we both stop fascist accelerationism by defeating Trump, and also gain more progressive leadership than Harris, I honestly don’t want to hear what you have to say, because I have friends and family that might not survive a second Trump term. A couple of people close to me didn’t survive the first Trump term…

    (And you can leave third parties at the door, because I’ve already made it clear I don’t want another Trump term)