Hamas wouldn’t exist if Israel didn’t commit genocide. You can’t win a war on terror. You can stop “terrorists” without hurting a single person though.
You’ve heard of no true Scotsman, well that’s compared to me, the only true Scotsman. Everything I am is all things that are forever and not, therefore the fallacy isn’t.
Hamas wouldn’t exist if Israel didn’t commit genocide. You can’t win a war on terror. You can stop “terrorists” without hurting a single person though.
I meant more the other direction. Marrying anyone under 30 is crazy. I’m glad it worked out for you but 22 year olds are children that sometimes get blackout drunk for fun. I remember myself and my dating age cohort at 22, any of us making any permanent decision is kinda crazy.
China is socialist. Socialist countries can have market economies and even capitalist economies, as long as the dictatorship of the proletariat ultimately controls all of the economy. Just a reminder China’s killed multiple billionaires.
So much.
Shitting in a bucket in a van is less noble than you make it out to be.
In 2008 they’d just use retard. It wasn’t even slightly controversial of a word at that point, just like disabled isn’t really now (since that differently abled nonsense euphemism failed to take off).
You do if you don’t browse all and instead curate your own feed.
Oh, right, ml instance. Anyway class war is the only war and you can be racist against white people.
Because he ran on a fairly progressive campaign and was black, so easy electability to the people that don’t pay attention. That and New Yorkers are fascist sympathizers.
The old adage isn’t just for show; if you’re up against a state actor, or believe you need to secure yourself against a state actor, you’re fucked.
That being said if you’re not already secured against the 5/13 eyes and you think Trump makes a difference you’re too naive to ever be targeted and nothing you do matters to them.
Trump makes no difference in terms of the US government attempting to breach privacy. Every anti privacy measure the US has ever pushed has been bipartisan, including the patriot act which was written by Joe Biden. You’re not paranoid enough or far too paranoid.
“lately”? This is foundational to the entirety of left wing thought.
The left starts at abolition of capitalism and by extension corporate profit. If you disagree with that, you’re simply not left wing in any way, you would be better off in right wing or far right sites like reddit or Facebook. They’re their product of your beliefs, stick to them.
It would be assuming we do reach post scarcity for all essential goods. There’s more than enough bored people right now that would throw away the rest of their lifespan for a few months in space to fill a intra galactic space exploration organization; give those bored people all the free education they can handle and you have a successful star fleet.
It has to be committed by enemies of the US to be genocide, otherwise it’s a humanitarian crisis no one can solve.
That was literally every instance of employment your parents and their parents and so on did.
… It’s a protocol, not a service. And your browser has it enabled. You can disable it on your browser and default back to esni, and be less private and less anonimized, if you want. No one’s making you use it.
He’s Australian, Kmart is still fully operational in kangaroo land
Byebye religious nut, hope you get better soon. The world is better when you stick to Facebook.
Then life is even more pointless and cruel than it appears.
We had you people try this shit in the 1990s.
Violent media does not cause violence.
Pornographic media does not cause sex crimes.
Get the fuck back to your southern Baptist Church and leave the nonreligious alone. Stop pretending you give a shit about kids, you just want to push your weird little religion on everyone.
Good for you little buddy, your brain wasn’t done and you were uneducated and severely underexperienced in all things but you picked the right choice. Congrats. Sometimes chicken entrails predict the weather, more often than chance even. That doesn’t mean meteorologists are at risk of bird flu.