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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • That’s not what’s happening here.

    I don’t see why we can’t both be right. The R’s are fracturing and the Democratic party is moving rightward as it absorbs the moderate Rs.

    Of course the Democratic party is going to support and amplify the GOP falling to pieces.

    Yes, they do. My larger point (mentioned in a separate comment) is, after the dust of the election settles, which voters will the Democratic party cater to? They aren’t just gonna let those modeRate voters sit and spin, right? Leftwing Democrats are democrats too and they’ve been hoping for a chance to pull the party left. Things important to leftists are kinda getting ignored this campaign in favor of hard right Dems, and leftists of course must vote for kamala and hope to use their voices, after getting her elected, to try n move the party left.

    For leftists, watching the DNCs embrace voters to the right of the entire Democratic party is like watching that dream die in real time.

  • it would be so much work to stalk, kill, prep and eat someone’s dog or cat. people don’t even keep their pets outside much anymore. If people had pigs or some larger, meatier pets kept outside all hours at least it’d be a more realistic lie but like c’mon… who’s out there with fuggen ninja cat hunting skills? What are they using to quietly and efficiently kill these pets? Who even got that kinda time?

    If this dumb cluck had any sense he’d say they were buying pups from PetSmart or breeding them themselves to eat or something. That lie would at least be in the realm of possibility! Nobody’s pets would have to disappear before an idiot believed it!

    Fucking loser can’t even stoke hate properly

  • while I actually loved that south park episode and their point that words (that word specifically) change their meaning over time, the “answer” they came up with is a joke of course. A joke that only works because bikers are upset and confused by the ‘real’ meaning of ‘flag’. If the original meaning didn’t exist it couldn’t be used to hurt the bikers’ feelings, it relies on its existing meaning to hurt them.

    You cannot forcibly change what words mean. No matter how hard Trey and Matt wish they were iconoclasts and as much as i appreciate them? They REALLY aren’t as clever as they think they are. What they did, if they had succeeded would just allow CHUDs to yell ‘flag’ at homosexuals and pretend they were calling them bikers, so it’s a good thing it flopped.

    As cool as it would be if “bundle of sticks” stopped being a slur, the slur itself is not the problem, the intent is. Intent behind calling bikers ‘flags’ is to make them feel like you’re calling them homosexuals, relies on homosexuality itself being a slur. The end. No debate. Full stop. It doesn’t even change anything, its hurting feelings RELIES on the meaning we currently agree on. Feel me?