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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The illusion of power is not the same as actually having it. I wish more men understood this. There is no republican policy that actually empowers working class men to do better in their lives. The sports of dunking on liberals is a distraction from the fact that republicans have no plan to help their constituents.

    Also, like whiny crybabies like the former president are not masculine and definitely not role models for such. If he was, then republican men would find dates a lot easier. This faked version of masculinity is not fooling women, who see the whiny, fragile intolerance for what it is: a cowardly fear of everyone different than themselves. Incels under republican rule will still never get dates, and they never have in whatever rose glasses version of the past theyre idealizing. Hateful cowards simply aren’t attractive. The “return” to power isn’t there. Its a lie.

    edit: my bad i thought i was in c/politics