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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Not enough of the mundane has been preserved throughout human history, it continues to be a big problem for historians. Especially when they only have major - likely very coloured or outright lies - official records of events and cultural touchstones to go on.

    Why do you think we get so incredibly excited when we uncover something as mundane as the pricing artwork on an ancient Roman food stall? Because that stuff wasn’t preserved, nobody bothered to record such details, so much is lost because nobody thinks their place in history matters enough to bother saving it.

    We’ve reached a point in our development where we now have the ability to preserve snapshots of our civilisation in great detail, with extreme ease. We owe it to ourselves and especially to future generations to do so.

  • But where does the extra money and infrastructure come from to provide everything they need?

    More people means more mouths to feed, more strain on the limited housing market driving prices and inaccessibility up, more capacity required at hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, schools, all public services (meaning everything from more doctors, nurses, consumables, locations, etc needed), and so on.

    Where does the money come from to provide for the net influx of 500,000+~ people a year, a population increase of some 0.75%?

    I’m not against immigration, welcoming people from other cultures with fresh ideas and outlooks on life is great and I love it, but the strain it places immediately on our already failing societal systems, such as healthcare, education, housing availability, job availability, etc, is very real, and needs to be addressed.

  • How is this invading someone’s privacy? All it’s doing is detecting if children are smoking in a room or space at school and then putting an alert up about the detection on a screen.

    They have zero right to privately smoke at school, or anywhere for that matter, smoking is illegal for children and not something to be taken lightly.

    Similarly, adults have no right to privately smoke whilst in the workplace in the bathroom or other non-smoking designated areas. This is also illegal and not to be taken lightly.

  • Whether a pet gets the food it needs isn’t something you can even have an opinion about.

    To be fair, I have a pretty strong opinion on pets getting the food they need. My opinion is that not feeding an animal appropriately is, at best, neglectful.

    The great thing is that it’s easy to find out what is an appropriate diet for any pet, clever scientists figured it out and wrote up guidelines for us to follow. Here in the UK for example we would follow the European FEDIAF;

    Pet food nutritional guidelines for manufacturers in the UK are produced by FEDIAF (the European Pet Food Industry). These guidelines (also known as Codes) detail the nutritional needs of cats and dogs at varying life stages. They are regularly updated to include the latest nutritional research.


    So long as you’re following the guidelines and giving your pet all the nutrients it needs - regardless of how they’re produced (vegan food is fine so long as it replicates the full dietary needs of the animal for example) - you’re good 😊👍

    I know it’s silly to have to point that out, I’m not sure why people argued over it (I didn’t see the original discourse). But yes, just to reiterate, it doesn’t matter how you prefer to source the food - vegan, halal, whatever fits your beliefs - just so long as it is a nutritionally complete diet for the animal <3

    On the subject of admin/moderation, it is wonderful to see the team trying to be thoughtful, transparent, and kind even in the face of high tempers and heated beliefs. I wish we had more of this calibre of person out in the world :-)