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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • For me it would also be a matter of pride. If I dismissed all these things with the thought they’re identical, but I cannot even name them, how can I in good faith claim to know them well enough to make such judgements? I would think myself arrogant and shallow. I’m far too prideful to think myself arrogant, and so I’m too prideful to dismiss something from a place of ignorance. Surely if the kid actually knows the names of the things and I don’t, the kid’s opinion must hold more weight than mine. I would only attack my loved one’s interests from a place of certain understanding. I also can’t understand having so little pride as to think as you describe.

  • If experiencing the world through fresh eyes isn’t one of the main points of having a kid, what are we even doing as a species? How can you not be infected by a little one’s curiosity about a changing world and learn along with them? I’m childfree and I still understand that much. How can someone choose to have kids and not want to share their kid’s eagerness to learn?

  • I didn’t understand that as a kid and I still don’t understand it. Why would you take so little interest in what your kids like? I don’t even have kids and I still know who Mr Beast is. I can’t imagine having people I love, living in my house, who are into this stuff and not knowing all about it. The only way this kind of parental apathy can possibly make sense to me is if those parents just don’t love their kids. It doesn’t make sense to me.