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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Full disclosure: I ran manjaro as a daily driver for a while a few years back bad have been forced back on windows as well by company policy. So I’m not going to be the ultimate authority to answer your questions.
    All I wanted to comment is that with iTunes and Office you have picked two pieces of software by two companies that have a very strong interest in not letting you migrate away from them. I tried to migrate my gf’s password manager from the iCloud one to bitwarden and it’s amazing the hoops they make you jump through to get at your data. So what you might be experiencing right now is a thing called “vendor lock”, and I wish you the best of luck for finding a way out. ;)

  • The makeup is actually kinda cool. It could symbolize that you are deeply upset (hence the lines coming from the eyes like tears) about the divide (the white line down the middle) between the parties (red and blue tears for Republicans and Democrats respectively). All while using red, white and blue to represent the country overall. It’s good graphic design.

    Their hats tell me that that was not their thought process, though.

  • But that’s how the “contract” explanation “solves” the paradox. Nobody is inherently tolerant. I’m just tolerant towards you because our social contract ensures mutual tolerance. One “clause” of the contract is however that I don’t have to be tolerant towards you if you breach the contract with anyone else. Or in other words, if I see you being intolerant, I have the right to be intolerant towards you, too. Whether I’m “obliged” to be intolerant towards you is another question, but you could construe it as another “clause” of the social contract.