a lil bee 🐝

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • They are very upfront about the bot describing bias against the American center and not the global or whatever “objective” standard people try to insert. By that metric, center-left perfectly describes NYT. Their editorial board has posted multiple times describing Trump as an unfit candidate and they have historically endorsed the democratic candidate. They’re obviously not even American leftist and they’re not center-left on the global scale, but it’s all relative.

    I personally like the extra information and those who don’t are free to block the bot. I have seen commentor twisting themselves into absolute pretzels to avoid admitting that they can simply block the bot.

  • Our individual stories do not always translate to the bigger picture, gmtom. You might have grown up in a household where you were insulated from the predations of the processed food industry. You might have had better habits instilled in you as a child. You might have had a positive body image at one point in your life, to serve as inspiration for your weight loss journey. Maybe none of those are true and you truly are one of the lucky (and hard working!) ones who escaped this situation just like the addicts who recover through willpower alone. Regardless, we cannot all rely on being gmtom.

    My final paragraph is not focused on the individual but on the epidemic of obesity. We cannot solve this through brow beating about CICO just like Republicans aren’t going to solve the drug addiction crisis through jailing everyone with an addiction. People are using food to fill a hole in their lives, just like drugs, and we have to do the hard work of figuring that root out. Otherwise, we are doomed to become ineffective and unhelpful, leaving people to suffer.

  • a lil bee 🐝@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    2 months ago

    It really is the “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” or “just don’t take any drugs, duh” of weight loss. Like, you can’t just ignore all the social, systemic issues in our health and food industries, reduce it all to cals in vs cals out, and expect that to work. It’s reductive and unproductive.

    People aren’t having trouble with math or willpower, they’re having trouble with the fact that most (emphasis on “most”) readily available, cheap food is bad for you. Most people in poverty grew up with processed, heavily advertised junk and have literal addictions to this shit.

  • So why are you talking about a 5k limit?

    I’m not going to answer any more questions you can answer by reading the bill.

    None of what you’re saying makes sense, it’s just “your team” so you defend it.

    Not sure what “team” you’re even implying I’m on? I haven’t given a single political opinion other than saying “not sure I agree with that” in response to the asylum claim threshold. I’ve only corrected factual information in regards to the text of the bill. In fact, I have less than zero desire to get into any sort of political argument with someone who won’t even put in the 10 minutes it would take to read the section by section.

  • What a ridiculous way to compute value. Do you really think jobs are the only thing bought with that money? It brings money into the community. Those workers take that money and spend it at local businesses, driving the local economy up. Why do you think cities fall over each other to court these companies?

    You keep trying to drive back to the genocide, but listen to what the people above you are telling you: the populace cares more about the economy and jobs than they do about Palestine. Last I checked (and I don’t have a source for you, sorry, just something I read in an article recently.) about half of Americans find Israel sympathetic in this conflict and about 30% find Palestine sympathetic. It’s obviously much more skewed toward Palestine for young people, but they are also notoriously the most fickle and demanding demographic.

    The left is trying to win a noble fight with leverage it does not have, which is sadly their modus operandi. If you want a path that is set in reality and reduces the pain decades of foreign policy have constructed, vote Biden and vote as left as possible downticket to create an ecosystem where Congress can get the left what it wants and needs. I’d be happy to be wrong, but I do not believe there is anything else possible to be done in the current geopolitical scheme.

    EDIT: I did find the Gallup poll. Gallup. You’ll have to scroll past the opinions on the PA specifically.