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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • I watch a lot of high speed police chase videos, kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s fascinating stuff. One thing I’ve noticed is that while the State Troopers seem to have a higher level of training, when approaching a vehicle local PD will often just run up on all sides with guns out. So, you hear a lot of “watch the crossfire!” from the troopers. On the side of the road bystanders are rarely a hazard, but the same lack of positioning would surely be a hazard to bystanders in different circumstances. So yes i definitely I agree that police officers need more situational awareness training before they can use lethal force- especially in somewhere as packed as a subway station.

  • I don’t really know what you’re saying with most of these points, I think you’re calling me a racist for trying to interpret your statement about the original Jewish settlers being Arab.

    I agree, nobody has a right to force you from your home. I strongly oppose Isreals settlements in the West Bank and their occupation of Gaza. I also oppose calls for their eviction from Israel. Can’t you see it’s the same thing? “But it was the Palistineans land first” you say- no, that is clearly untrue, Jewish people were living in Israel since the Iron Age, and it was the Arabs (and Romans) that evicted them.

    And what’s this about land being taken from Arab Muslims to build the Jewish temples? You do know that Jewish people were living in Israel since before Islam was a religion right?

  • Well you are dead wrong about that, Jewish people lived in Judea (modern-day Israel) for about 2000 years before being evicted by the Romans in like 300 AD or so. The Arabs did not enter the region until AD 700. So, all told not only did the Jewish people live in Palestine long before the Arabs did, they have also been living their longer.

    Does that mean that evicting the Palestinian people to found Isra was justified? I think no, and it has turned out to be a terrible mistake. But what is the difference really between the founding of Israel and your advocacy for evicting the Jewish people who live there now and returning it to the Palestineans?

  • That’s pretty unrealistic in my opinion. Jewish people see Isreal as their ancestral homeland and they are already risking their lives to stay there. Millions of people would likely die rather than leave.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. It was wrong to push out Palestinians, but now that Israeli people have been their for generations it would be wrong to push them out too. There arent many human settlements without a record of eviction and occupation. Even the native American tribes occupied, annexed, and eradicated each other for millenia before Europeans arrived. In my opinion, once you live somewhere for a few generations it’s your land and you can’t be kicked out- that just adds more suffering to the world.

  • Hmmmmm.

    Do you support abortion? Do you think that Nazis should have some restrictions on their free speech? Do you oppose prayer being led by teachers in public schools? Do you support gun control?

    If yes to any of the above, a political opponent could easily say that you in fact are actively working to oppress others and that your views are harmful. To which Im sure you would reply that no, those stances are about protecting and empowering people, but thats really a matter of perspective and conservatives would say the same thing about their principles. I’m sorry that this makes me sound like a smug enlightened centrist, cause I’m not remotely a centrist, but I think it’s narrow-minded to believe that only people with your worldview are fundamentally good.

  • Couldn’t agree more. I have been called everything from a leftist shill to an NPC to a bootlicker, depending on whether I am trying to engage with someone to the left or right of me. It’s a little frustrating… I wouldn’t even say that I haven’t picked a side- I absolutely do have political stances, and I’m pretty far left overall, but that doesn’t stop people farther left than me of accusing me of being in bed with the fascists/“part of the problem”

  • Yeah it’s like when Republicans say “Democrats want to kill babies”. You’re misinterpreting your political opponent in the least charitable way possible. I’m not a conservative at all, but when dealing with people who are different than you, you need to assume good faith. There is a core of conservative Trump supporters who really are just selfish assholes, but most people-yes, including people whos political views you find immoral and repugnant-are fundamentally good.

    That doesn’t mean they’re right! But I don’t see why I can’t be friends with somebody who has looked at very complex moral issues like abortion, religion, and equality and come to different conclusions than me.