If you see me somewhere please let me know. I’ve no idea where I went.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I am so happy to hear you have a friend who is willing and able to help you out! My partner and I have good days and bad days. She’s usually more motivated, but I tend to be handier (when I can focus). I lucked out there I think.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could get some mental health professionals who actually trust that someone is accurately describing what they’re dealing with and how? Like - you can throw neurotypical-friendly solutions at me all day but there just might be a reason they won’t work the same as they have for someone else.

    Take care of you! Here’s hoping for an uptick in The Good Days soon!

  • Oh that’s just awful. So any time you need to do Big Project, each smaller step is in itself Big Project and subdividing is off the table.

    It also sounds like you’re tackling everything without help. If you can stand it, would organising a group task force help? My partner (not me - I can’t do people very well) got together with some of her more reliable friends and they will plan every other weekend to all descend upon one of their homes and spend about 4 hours doing What Needs To Be Done. It turns the activity into more of a social gathering, and they actually get things done.

    Not sure if that would help with some of what you’re dealing with. Also, I’m definitely not a professional so I can’t really help, just try to throw suggestions into the ether in the hope that they might improve someone’s situation a little.

  • 🫂 Not a mess, you just operate differently to how you’d rather. Brains are wildly variable and affected by the strangest stuff. A trick that might work under certain conditions might not with others. Juggling moods, free time, seasonality & weather, finance (“can I afford to do this project right now”) and all that other garbage is a whole task in itself.

    That’s when it might help to fall back on compartmentalising the task as others suggested: what is the next single step to refinishing the closets? Sanding the walls? Okay today I will sand one wall and then stop. Done. Feel like tackling a second wall after? Let yourself do that. If not, you are one step closer. Not up to even that single wall? Do future-you a favour and get your equipment staged to do that wall.

    Small progress is still progress.

  • Agree we need to get corporate money and interests out of our government (not just the Dems - weird you only mention that side) and we need to pressure candidates to go more and more progressive. But that pressure needs to come from putting the screws on congressional reps. The president can’t do anything unless Congress is in.

    Also, who would you suggest as a viable candidate that is more progressive than Harris AND has a real chance of winning the election? Dems are playing it safe as usual and trying to appeal to the mysterious “centre”, most of whom have followed the Overton window rightward. Fixing any of this needs to be done slowly, starting at the local level and building a progressive party from scratch. You’re looking at a minimum of 8-12 years of grueling, thankless work that nobody has so far bothered to do. After that you might have your dream candidate.