I managed to automate one job to the point I had maybe 45 minutes of stuff to do each day. Pandemic hit and my amazingly uneducated supervisor insisted there was no way I could remotely do my job. When you only see the same 4 walls with pretty much no other human interaction for 8.5 hours a day you start to go a little crazy. If I’m being completely honest they came close to finding me at my desk the next day a couple times. I have not automated away my new job, but I am wholeheartedly debating a career shift, not because it’s difficult, because I’ve been burnt out for a few years now.
I tip if I order food at a sitdown place out of habit and social pressure. Maybe my ignorance is the problem in the world but, I don’t understand how I could feel the service went above or beyond handing me a bag if all they do is hand me a bag.