• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Normal bikes that you just push aren’t that stable without a rider, but you can get it some distance. They still fall over rather quickly. That’s mostly the form of the handlebars like gnu commented. And yes, without a rider, the gyroscopic effect is relevant. A bike weighs let’s say 15 kg, and a rider is commonly like 75kg. Of course removing like 80% of the weight changes if the gyroscopic has a meaningful influence. Add the rider back, and it becomes negligible again.

    This is of course even more pronounced if you push only a wheel with nothing else, then there’s nothing left but momentum and the gyroscopic effect.

    The reason you lean into a turn is exclusively the centrifugal force (not sure that’s the right twin), if you don’t you fall over because you have nothing to turn against. Changing direction needs something to push against.

  • The gyroscopic effect of slowly spinning, light bicycle wheels is negligible compared to the weight of the bike and it’s rider. If it was what keeps you upright, riding a tiny scooter-thing with skateboard/inliner wheels would be impossible. I mean those without motor, pedals, where you push yourself forward with one foot on the ground), often for kids.

    What actually keeps you upright isn’t a physical effect, but just training your brain to instinctually keep you upright. While you’re moving, turning the handlebar effectively moves the bike below you left and right. So if you start tilting to the right, you turn right (slightly) so the bike/scooter is moving below you to compensate. That’s why learning to ride anything that is balancing on 2 wheels takes a relatively long time, but only once. Then your brain knows what to do, and it just works without thinking about it.

  • That’s not actually a solution when talking single-use either. Remaking the bottles from recycled glass is incredibly energy intensive and not an environmentally friendly process either. Multi-use bottles are much better, but the cleaning required also isn’t that simple and also relatively energy intensive (far from remaking the bottles of course).

    There’s also practical downsides to glass (heavy, breakable), but those are subjective and their relevance highly depends on the use case.

    Ideally, we wouldn’t buy stuff to drink in any kind of bottle, but just use tap water. possibly just buy some concentrated stuff to then make your actual drink at home. Nothing beats the effectiveness of transporting water through a simple pipe, but that isn’t even possible everywhere in the world due to drinking water quality issues…

  • The “key” of an m.2 defines what the pins mean, basically what signal they carry (PCIe, USB, …). There’s a nice table here, if you scroll down a bit. Some are extensions to others, and are pin compatible (meaning the things they have in common are on the same pins).

    A key and E key are very similar, while E just provides a few more interfaces, but importantly A doesn’t provide anything the E doesn’t. So any card that can work in A can also work in E. This is why A+E is so common: they don’t require the Mainboard to provide E, only A, but both will work so both notches are present.

  • In this context “self host” can ironically mean using a cloud service for hosting. You can use a file based password manager and just sync the database. Solutions like KeePass have apps for many platforms, and they can often even directly load from cloud storage, like Google drive, OneDrive or DropBox. The password database is strongly encrypted, and even if your storage gets compromised, your passwords are still safe (assuming a good password or some then better security was used to encrypt it).

    You give up the convenience of having a single service and having to get each device to access the file. But that’s it. It’s not that hard and so much better than a password service, even if just for their attack surface, or the “likely target” these are.

  • Ah the Internet classic: calling someone’s comment irrelevant, when you clearly haven’t even read, or at least not understood it. It isn’t that long of a comment. Try reading it again.

    Oh whatever, here’s another attempt at explaining it: there’s a huge difference if my passwords are in a place where people generally keep passwords, or if they are where only my passwords are. If someone has never heard of me, but they attack my cloud-password-solution and get in, they still get my passwords. Someone attacking me personally, if he’s truly competent as a hacker, in probably screwed either way. At least he can only attack me, he can’t attack “some public thing” and get my stuff “by accident”. Think “personal safe in my home” compared to “public bank” (ignoring the fact that a bank is insured and all that for this analogy).

    Your second point would be valid if open source didn’t exist. First of all I didn’t imply that it was inherently safe, I implied that there isn’t a single point of trust, which was my would point. Even if you can’t read/audit it yourself, there are projects that have public audits by reputable security companies. Plus if there truly were backdoors, assuming a non-tiny user base, someone would’ve probably noticed.

    Then your final point seems to acknowledge the attack surface, but the problem with the “locally encrypted blob” is that this statement from the cloud provider is another thing you just have to believe them on. They might do that, they might not. Many don’t even claim that, because people like convenience and want options for password recovery to their password service. those two are mutually exclusive.

  • Stop using “the cloud” to store your passwords. Unless you control said cloud, you have to trust someone to not fuck up their security that you now depend on. Everyone eventually does.

    The difference is also, that someone who’s job is storing other people’s passwords is by definition a target. So is the fuck up, someone will notice. If you host those yourself, or you rent a place where you can host them for yourself, that is just one person’s server. The interest and possible gain for someone gaining access is so small, it’s even unlikely. So when you inevitably fuck it up, the chances someone notices before you do are relatively small.

  • Maybe they down vote because they think I don’t like the research or think it’s pointless (far from it). The only thing I dislike is the reporting about it, and even there mostly the clickbaity headlines intentionally misrepresenting the facts. It’s clearly intentional, because when reading the articles it usually becomes quite clear that the author was well aware.

    I can also imagine that articles like that stop at least a couple of people here and there from adopting solar for their home, cause they read what they think means that there’s about to be a 10% efficiency increase for panels. Clearly that’s a time to wait, not to buy! The number is people that only read the headline is probably uncomfortable high, but I got no clue what the actual percentage is, or if those that don’t click through take the headline at face value…