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Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • And that’s an overwhelmingly good thing. The nut jobs and extremists are looking for an excuse to start shit but (as you correctly stated) lack the resolve to finish shit. They want to do a little political violence to feel enfranchised and like they have some control, but they’re not ready to give up everything for a cause. This makes them particularly dangerous.

    The real bulwark against government fuckery is the people you don’t hear about: normal folks who happen to have guns. It would take actual, serious grievances against large swathes of the population to make them do something. Because that much larger (and more ideologically diverse) cohort isn’t champing at the but for a fight they haven’t lied to themselves about being able to maintain a normal life and therefore wouldn’t start one lightly. That’s pretty boring, so you only hear about the weirdos.

  • No, only in elementary schools.

    What they’re getting confused about is that a lot of architecture firms that design prisons also design high schools because - shockingly - both of those institutions are designed around moving large numbers of people to different areas throughout the day.

    My high school was designed by one of those firms and it wasn’t weird. You could see it in the little details, though. There were exactly two places in any of the hallways where you couldn’t see a clock, so nobody could say they ran late because they didn’t know what time it was. The architects just decided where they would place cameras in a prison and swapped them out for digital clocks.

  • Nothing is stopping them from doing it, which is why when the cops get a report of someone pointing a gun at people they have no choice but to assume it’s real (unless it’s obviously shaped like a super soaker). If the person training their gun-shaped object on passersby points the gun at the cops they usually get shot because the cops aren’t willing to bet their life that it’s not some asshole who put orange acrylic paint on the tip of a real gun.

    There are some hobbyists that paint their guns to look like a Nerf gun or a Nintendo gun controller. The general consensus is “it would be stupid to take this out anywhere other than the range”. This is much less common than the opposite: toy or pellet guns that look very realistic.

  • There are two different categories: “active shooter” and “mass shooting”.

    An “active shooter” has strict definitions and is tracked by the FBI. These are the events depicted in this graph. An active shooter is someone trying to kill people at random in a public place. The number of casualties is irrelevant. A few years back a guy tried to attack a courthouse in Texas and was killed by a cop before he even got a shot off. That still counts as an active shooter.

    A “mass shooting” has no single definition, and media and government organizations that use the term set their own parameters. Many of them define it as “four or more people killed or injured”, regardless of circumstances.

    The problem with the term “mass shooter” (and the reason why the FBI doesn’t use it) is that it’s overly broad. Guy goes nuts and kills his family before offing himself? Mass shooting. Robocop shoots four guys in the dick? Mass shooting.

    EDIT: It’s worth noting that the linked source clarifies that the graph shows all active shooter incidents between the year 2000 and 2021. This throws off your calculation significantly.