I mean I was planning to visit in the next couple of years anyway I guess…
please be advised that speaking german properly is super fucking hard compared to learning many other languages, and you don’t need german in germany for the most part.
when I’m in germany I speak my shitty, broken german and they respond to me in english
That’s when you double down and tell them in German that you don’t speak English. That’ll confuse 'em.
I, a white man, would love to learn to speak German with an Indian accent just to really fuck with 'em
A better reason to learn it is that anything you say in German sounds like swearing.
Mein Hovercraft ist voll von Aalen!
Holy heck that is an oooooold MAD-Magazine reference. xD Kudos my good sir!
An old Monty Python reference. 😀
I just blocked the communities 😅
du kannst rennen, aber du kannst dich nicht verstecken!
God bless you?
Gott segne dich? Nein…
Deutschland vereinig dich gegen den unhöflichen Angelsachsen!
I was learning it (super slowly, thanks ADHD) anyway, but it was when I finally read a 3-sentence long post and could read 90% of it without really thinking about it that I felt I was progressing at all
So of course I haven’t practiced in weeks now, fuuck