A man drove his car into protesters outside a Tesla dealership in Palm Beach County, Florida, but did not injure any of those who had gathered to demonstrate against billionaire Elon Musk and President Donald Trump over the weekend, according to law enforcement.
It happened on the weekend, and he drove onto the sidewalk. (Both in the article) Yes it was at a slow speed, but he intentionally drove his car into a crowd of people to try to force them to disperse. He clearly doesn’t believe in free speech or freedom of assembly and used a deadly weapon to force innocent people to do as he wanted.
Dude some people are just trying to get to work to pay their damn bills and not get fired for being late
You’re one of the 50% of Americans that are functionally illiterate aren’t you? It was the weekend, he drove on the sidewalk. Even if you didn’t read the article (clearly) the person you are responding to said as much in the comment you responded to. He was very clearly not on his way to work, quit defending terrorists and terrorism.
Where does it clearly say he wasn’t on the way to work it being the weekend is irrelevant is Walmart closed on the weekends most businesses are open on the weekends
They were on the sidewalk not in the road. Last time I checked cars don’t drive on the sidewalk.
Why are you assuming a protest is in the road blocking traffic.