• andrewta@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Let me explain it this way. If I am going to sit somewhere, if we as left leaning individuals are going to sit and say “it’s not what you say it’s how others take it and be sensitive to that” then we need to follow the same rules.

    If I tell a joke or do something that others take offense to, then maybe it wasn’t ok to say that, or to have done that.

    If I am going to tell people to pay attention to how others respond to what they are doing or saying. Then i need to follow those same rules.

    It is not ok for me to tell another person, you can’t say that (what ever that thing is) because of how others are viewing it or how it makes them feel. Then turn around and say but i can do what ever I want even if it offends others.

    It is not relevant if we are talking about drag, or trans people, or black people, or minorities, or white people, or religions. What is relevant is that we are running around saying “you can’t do that because it is offending others”. Yet look through this thread, go all the way up to my top comment and look at all the responses. Notice something? People are acting like this was totally ok even though there are a shit ton of people that it offended.

    So it’s ok for the left to put in rules that says “you can’t do that because it is offending others, but we the left can do what ever we want”. That makes sense?

    and you are telling me to change my tune?

    • fukurthumz420@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      hard disagree. you assume that if you give them the same respect that you ask for, that they will give it back in return. you’re talking about christians. they just want to subjugate everyone else to their standard of living.

      nope. fuck them. they are the enemy. they are the barrier to living in a better world. they do not understand cultural differences and don’t want to. they are a problem to be solved, not a class of people who must be tolerated. goose and gander thinking will get you nowhere.

      • andrewta@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        so because I’m a christian … it’s fuck me? ignoring the fact that i do my best to treat everyone equally. ignoring the fact that I want a constitutional amendment that says “on average for a given voting precinct the people shouldn’t be standing in line for 8 hours, the average should only be 30 minutes so minorities aren’t disenfranchised from voting” … ignoring the fact that I believe everyone should have the right to marry who ever they choose (as long as they are consenting adults… your statement is

        “you’re talking about christians, they just want to subjugate everyone else… fuck them”

        that’s also ignoring the fact that I do not believe that the bible should be taught in public school.

        you didn’t say some christians are that way … you basically said all christians. … so it’s fuck me. … nice way to enter the conversation there.