It’s nice to see someone who used to be so deep into the Adobe ecosystem was finally able to switch over. I hear that it used to be considered practically impossible unless you weren’t already in very deep. As a result, many people simply said they wouldn’t consider Linux unless Adobe products supported Linux.
The fact that he’s proven Adobe doesn’t have a stranglehold anymore gives me hope that we’ll be seeing more and more people migrating as software supporting Linux gets better.
I’m wondering if the cause and effect are the other way around, people that have trouble with noise (such as people with APD) might want noise cancelling headphones. The rise in cases of APD might indicate otherwise, but with the information provided, it sounds like it might be under-diagnosed anyway.
The first thing many people used to assume is that if you had any problems with listening, you might be somewhat deaf. APD and other difficulties listening definitely aren’t deafness, but I wonder if there is increased awareness of other reasons why someone might have difficulty understanding speech.