Surely Merrick Garland will take care of this as soon as the Democrats win in 2028 and restore him!
Surely Merrick Garland will take care of this as soon as the Democrats win in 2028 and restore him!
I’d expect Ds to go along with legislation to strip that power from the executive branch, but getting his own party to undermine president loaded diaper is going to be impossible.
Cut to
How could the Democrats let this happen?
The Repedocan party strikes again.
Spout nonsense with enough confidence and you can wield unimaginable power. Am I talking about LLMs or president poopy pants?
I did it and it never occurred to me to even ask what other people thought about it. It was a benefit available to me, so I took advantage of it. If your coworkers said that real men don’t care about their teeth, would it stop you from going to the dentist? Coworkers come and go but family is for life.
Dishonorable people can’t recognize honor as a virtue.
These dipshits literally announced they were crashing the economy during the campaign and not a single one of there brainfree voters gave a shit.
Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel
Mine was in the Athens/Acropolis area.
Haha. I agree with Doug Ford. That’s some shit I never thought I’d think.
That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That’s no longer a given in my book.
Super surprised to see Publix leading this list.
No. They’re extinct.
This is an exciting discovery! 20 light years away is relatively close, but obviously still out of reach for quite a while.
I read this article just to learn what slur was used, but they only lost it as t*****. I’m just going to assume the hurtful slur is trumpy.
Notorious Liar Says … Notorious Liar Wants … Honestly if the media would only write stories about the shit that actually happens we’d be in a better place. All that hypothetical shit is just rage bait.
At this level it doesn’t even have to be a bribe. I’m sure the judge is aware of stochastic terrorism. They may just want to continue living and be genuinely afraid of what sort of mob twitter could reign down on them.