I think we should organize and go demand everyone working for DOGE… stop. And not demand like with funny signs and chants, but like with 2nd amendment arms.
I think we should organize and go demand everyone working for DOGE… stop. And not demand like with funny signs and chants, but like with 2nd amendment arms.
Apply it to healthcare, science, finances, and the world will become a better place, especially in healthcare.
That’s all kind of moot if we continue down the capitalist hellscape express. What good is an AI that can diagnose cancer if most people can’t afford access? What good is AI writing novels if our homes are destroyed by climate change induced disasters?
Those problems are mostly political, and AI isn’t going to fix them. The people that probably could be replaced with AI, the shitty “leaders” and such, are not going to voluntarily step down.
There’s a shared theme with like all of humanity’s woes: people don’t care that much.
From pollution to injustice to shitty websites, if people cared just a little more the problem would be dramatically reduced or even eliminated.
But so many people are just apathetic. Overwhelmed and checked out.
I’d like to privatize Wells Fargo, where I also mean “dismantle and leave behind an unrecognizable corpse”
We should probably come up with a system where money doesn’t mean more access to the legal system.
Maybe you’re just not allowed to hire a lawyer directly, but you have to go through some magical entity that’s not corrupt and they assign you people.
Or fuck it, just fix everything else so no one is super rich compared to everyone else.
Conservatives aren’t generally considered smart, kind, people.
On the one hand, this is bad for a lot of innocent people.
On the other, I kind of just want the anti-vaxxers and their enablers to die.
Need to either organize so you and your closest 50,000 friends can march up to wherever he’s living, or go the stochastic route and hope some random person decides to rid you of this meddlesome priest.
Organizing is probably better overall, but harder.
It would be a crime to shoot anti-vaxxers dead, like when they’re sleeping or stopped at a traffic light, but it would probably be a net positive on lives saved.
true, though sometimes i find the more verbose style easier to read, and more maintainable (eg: you want to do something else in the block, you can just add a line instead of changing your ternary / etc). Small things
I had a thought earlier in the bathroom about AI. It’s like building a fancy indoor toilet when you don’t have plumbing.
If people’s basic needs were met, housing food health care all that, then it wouldn’t really matter as much if people want to fuck around with AI. People who do things for passion could still do so.
But we live in a capitalist hell, this AI stuff will primarily benefit the ownership class while everyone else suffers.
I don’t need a fancy toilet. I need clean running water.
Public transport and walkability is really nice. Big changes are needed to level up the car-first spaces we built, and people don’t want to pay that debt. But that debt carries interest, and the longer we put it off the worse it’s going to get.
Probably not the most effective metaphor because humans are famously bad at long term thinking.
As an org that seems pretty historically apt. But it only takes one guy to have his own ideas
Depends on how it’s set up. If the setting is going into the env it’s a string, so I’d expect some sort of
if os.getenv("this_variable", "false").lower() == "true": # or maybe "in true, yes, on, 1" if you want to be weird like yaml
this_variable = True
this_variable = False
Except maybe a little more elegant and not typed on my phone.
But if the instructions are telling the user to edit the settings directly, like where I wrote this_variable=True, they’d need to case it correctly there.
Is the backend Python and the frontend JavaScript? Because then that would happen and just be normal, because Boolean true is True
in python.
It would be really funny if the jury nullifies (like so hard it’s an acquittal, not just hung so they have to do another trial), and then he went and shot another scumbag CEO.
I would nullify again
Yeah I realized admitting fault is kind of a power move. You can just be like “oh! I was wrong. Woops” and what might have been a like hour long argument about some unimportant minutia instead just wraps up. Nothing bad happens.
Yeah, you have to make them see you as a member of a shared in-group. That’s the most important thing to them (and many people, honestly. we’re all susceptible to tribalism and such)
I thought mercurial was older than git, but apparently it’s 12 days younger.
If they thought about things and came to good conclusions afterwards, they probably wouldn’t be driving this kind of car to begin with. The people who are driving it are probably not good thinkers.