I just hold a crystal these days… no money hold a crystal… cat’s fucked hold a crystal. Measles… hold a crystal. Do I need to add the /s tag?
What’s “Reddit”!
I just hold a crystal these days… no money hold a crystal… cat’s fucked hold a crystal. Measles… hold a crystal. Do I need to add the /s tag?
I seen they’re trying to say 9 is a dozen. They just want to keep pushing a narrative until it sticks. Anything that sticks is a win for them. It’s a loss for us average folks.
I think the person you replied to meant in terms of persecution. Germany went after the Jews now they’re against that ideology. We see the current Jewish area that is Israel persecuting others. Role reversal, you would think they would treat others better after everything but that’s not the case!
Hemp and No-Till see what works afterwards but it’s a market call what you plant! That’s my understanding. Maybe you could do something like Lavander though?
KICK MIDWEST.SOCIAL cabinet_sanchez "Fuck youu’
it was only regulated by its uselessness… it was the wild west of shit otherwise.
Feels like licking a 9v battery!
Nice, you’re spot on. We bonded for a while… now we’re in entropy!
Police French or Firefighter French?
Nothing is shocking anymore!
Perma banned for a mild comment on some post about billionaires… oh well
Autopen is written in that invisible ink we had as kids!