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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • True, and I mean, a lot of that seems to come from how we’ve handled politics in the past affecting the now. Media companies are incentivised by controversy, and everyone’s opinion needs to be heard just to generate content.

    It’ll be interesting to see how this and other worldly things change as cable news continues to die.

    As an aside, it’s also funny how everyone apparently forgot all the BS Trump was doing or involved in over the four years he was in office. I remember it always being something, you know? Scandal or stupid decisions every week. I mean even know, they’re calling for a door to door military search of American households like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Police can barely pull over Tyreek Hill without yanking him out of his car and screaming. People can’t see the writing on the wall on how much violence would happen from something so massively invasive? Doesn’t sound like freedom to me.

    OK I’ll get off my box lol.

  • Well said, although I haven’t played Yakuza, I think having enemy depth through their mechanics, while giving the player space to solve the challenge, is good gameplay. This is different from “well they’re invincible for now and you just need to deal with it.” Some games this is appropriate, maybe like Fear and Hunger, but definitely not when the positive experience centers around dealing damage.

    Totally resonate with the FF rebirth experience. Although I think the game altogether as one piece is good and I finished it, I have a laundry list of complaints. I generally like the combat system but the challenge fights towards the end are just nonsense. You spent time investing in your teams abilities, but it boils down to enemies that don’t take damage, or get staggered (even from your ATB abilities) and then one shot your team mates just because you weren’t in control of them. Don’t even get me started on the Odin fight. It also feels really bad to slash at something as Cloud, and his sword just bounces off and he’s useless for 3 seconds.

    As an aside, XVI seems to be well reviewed and liked by people but I just didn’t find it all that satisfying, I have yet to finish it even though I’m at the last act.

  • I think the comic is contextually true. What really irks me are games designed to be quick, fast paced and aggressive, stop you dead in your tracks. An example is the Battle Toads reboot (which is great, play it) has these enemies that have shields or you can’t hurt them until after they’ve done their thing, slows down an otherwise fast and fun beat em up. Another is DOOM Eternal, a game where you’re running at Crack addict speed, and then they put in this dude with a shield that reflects your whole way of doing damage. Really jarring to have that speed bump in your experience. It’s for sure a great game, but I think a poor design decision to make the enemy work this way.