• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Biden isn’t dragging his feet…

    He’s moving at light ing speed (for his age) to support Israel’s genocide in anyway he can, including going around congress illegally to avoid a delay of just a few days.

    I just hate how all the blame is put on voters, it’s literally Kamala and her campaign teams job to get votes, and despite how much they hate the thought, that means giving Dem voters what Dem voters want.

    And they don’t want to be citizens of pretty much the only country still supporting the genocide by sending munitions. Especially when it’s a violation of the Legacy Lehey law and bare minimum we should be demanding Israel track the use of US supplied munitions.

    Like. You’re completely underselling the damage Biden and other party leaders are causing…

    And then claiming you can’t understand why people don’t like him or the party’s stance.

    Why dont you spend your time and effort trying to stop a genocide instead of telling people they have to support a genocide?

    Your way even if we win. Still a genocide.

    If we demand Kamala and party leadership stop breaking US and international law, and they actually listen

    Kamala could moonwalk into the oval office and Israel wouldn’t be able to continue their genocide.

    What’s so hard about picking the best path?

    We can stop trump and genocide or just stop trump.

    Seems like an easy choice to me

  • The point is that the media constantly focus on Biden’s slip-ups whereas they try to normalize Trump’s obvious madness.

    Who is “normalizing” trump?

    Criticizing Biden made sense because there was a chance Biden’s donors would listen and make him step down

    That did work.

    Calling for trump to step down won’t work, because his main donors are foreign governments trying to cause chaos, and if he drops out, he’s going to prison.

    And that’s not even getting into if trump steps down…

    That only helps Republicans and hurts Kamala.

    But anyone who thinks Biden is unsuitable but Trump isn’t is either a liar or a moron.

    Who is saying that?

    Why are you listening to them?

    Like, you’re complaining about “the media” but all of them except right wing echo chambers have been saying he’s unsuitable for almost a decade now…

    Can you name one serious media organization that is doing what you’re complaining about?

  • This is why it’s important people understand the details of the civil war.

    What lead to it wasn’t just “slavery” it’s that the South wanted the federal government to go into Northern states and bring back anyone that was suspected of being an escaped slave back to the South. Basically they wanted federal law enforcement to go on slave raids.

    They won’t be happy with shitty laws in their own states, they want to force everyone else to follow them.

    And this time the SC is on their side, and if we won’t fix that, we need to be ready for the bullshit they’ll keep pulling.

  • The Phenom 2?!

    I barely remember it, but yeah, it was a beast.

    But my 1700x went hard for five years. The only reason I tacked the extra 5 on was x3d changes things up.

    Now, since I’ve made that comment AMD has solved the Zen 5 latency issues but cutting it by more than half. That’s what was holding it back. So when the Zen 5 x3d comes out, it’s going to be nuts.


    It’s going to take a while for those changes to become industry standard. It might be a year before Zen 5 x3d, I’m not sure if they’ve even announced when. So games won’t take full advantage of them right away.

    It takes like a 4070 super to CPU bound a 7800x3d, and fine tune some settings and it’ll balance out

    We’re not going to have a new screen resolution jump, and that combo can max out 4k 120fps on pretty much anything thanks to frame generation without even touching upscaling.

    There’s just not a lot to improve until we see a major jump like VR finally taking off.

  • The fact checking in this article is perfect lol

    “So what America should be saying is, if NATO wants us to continue supporting them and NATO wants us to continue to be a good participant in this military alliance, why don’t you respect American values and respect free speech?” Vance asked. “It’s insane that we would support a military alliance if that military alliance isn’t going to be pro-free speech. I think we can do both. But we’ve got to say American power comes with certain strings attached. One of those is respect free speech, especially in our European allies.”

    Musk has been accused of banning several journalists since taking over Twitter, now X.

    “I’m not going to go to some backwoods country and tell them how to live their lives,” Vance added. “But European countries should theoretically share American values, especially about some very basic things like free speech.”

    The US ranked 26th in the world when it comes to free speech, with several members of the European Union higher up the list, according to the 2024 Global Expression Report.