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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Look, if people feel very strongly about something, let them voice their opinion on it through a vote, as intended. That’s what democracy is for. If your democracy doesn’t work and always makes you vote strategically, making you disregard your own positions as a voter, then maybe your democracy isn’t really a democracy and you should start working on that. A strategically cast vote won’t magically repair your broken system. Anyway, compromises are for political parties and politicians, not for the average voter that just wants to voice their opinion.

  • Look, I come from the hardware part of the industry and have never seen anyone talk about “master records” in software but always about master devices controlling slave devices. I’ll give you that, apparently “master records” are a thing (although I’m curious in what part of the industry). At the same time, it seems so niche and weird to me that there’s no point for me to use it. I’ll stick with main because it just makes more sense and seems a lot more intuitive to people than to think about master records and what not. You do you, I personally absolutely do not care at all what you go with in your projects.

  • I’m a developer. I use main/release/dev for new projects, because it just sounds better and is more intuitive to me honestly. “Master” doesn’t make much sense. Like what’s so “master” about a “master branch”? It’s just the main branch everything gets merged into. It doesn’t “control” branches. There’s no “master/slave” relationship there. So again, “master” was never really intuitive to me.

    Old projects don’t get relabeled, they stay master, cause relabeling the main branch could cause potential problems. That’s my two cents.