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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • I agree with this take.

    AI will definitely make some white collar jobs way more productive, and thus change the nature of that work and reduce the number of people employed in those jobs.

    A good example is translation, where translators are now mostly reviewing translated texts instead of translating from scratch.

    This means the ability to read fast and take on the role of editor is what remains important in the remaining jobs for translators.

  • Supporters of Bush and Bowman now face a strange incentive.

    If they vote for Latimer and Bell, they will only embolden AIPAC and corporate America to use the same playbook in the districts of other progressive Democrats. And they will have them as incumbents in 2026.

    If they do a protest vote (third party, write-in or stay home), that sends a clear message, but also gives the Republicans a +1.

    On the face it, it would suck if the Republicans win their district, but also consider that a Republican win will (a) ensure Democrats field a progressive in 2026 and (b) show both Democrats and Republicans that the progressive vote is powerful and can be courted.

    So it might actually be a good strategy. Look at 2016. Yeah, four years of Trump sucked, but it also made Democrats realize they had to court their progressive win. Corporate Hilary just couldn’t win without them.

    Knowing this, there is also a Dark Brandon, scorched earth, move available: Vote directly for the Republican and give them a +2.

    This will show progressives know how to yield their voting power and that they should be taken seriously as a group.