I hate Apple but macOs is always super well.designed. if you wann know what Windows will look like in 5-6 years, look at the current macOs version.
I hate Apple but macOs is always super well.designed. if you wann know what Windows will look like in 5-6 years, look at the current macOs version.
US’s biggest problem IMO is undereducation. Lots of people seems to lack basic intellectual auto-defense skill. It’s been a problem for a long time, but given how easy AI makes it to create disinformation, the shit will eventually hit the fan and even the GOP will be beging for a minimal education cursus to fix the mess they created.
Dont glamourize mass murderers.Dont even publish their names, publish the names of the victims.
That’s not really fair to Crowder. He’s also a misogynist and racist piece of shit.