• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • That’s disingenuous and disappointing.

    It’s not even accurate. I’m not justifying supplying weapons to Israel anywhere in any of my posts and I even make it clear that it’s an abhorrent position.

    Your posts have devolved into spitting out debate buzz words de jure like some inarticulate anti-Zionist Ben Shapiro.

    You’re doing your cause a disservice when you look this foolish.

  • I’ve got a flagship Samsung device from 2020. The screen has cracked in an unimportant way on the front and over one of the camera housings on the back, but I can’t even tell which camera is affected by it, so I guess I didn’t need that one anyway.

    Hate the camera bumps. Sucks that those became standard.

    I was looking into getting a new phone but it just seems like a waste of money.

    The Huawei devices look good and for a fair price, but I can’t even get them in the USA. So… I guess I keep this?

    The foldable looks kinda useful for reading and in use with a stylus, but they’re so much money… and I bet that thing gets dust in it and scratches easily.

  • Have phones gotten any new exciting features in a while?

    I remember enjoying upgrading my phone in the aughts and early tens, but it seems like most devices have plateaued and they’re all pretty much the same now.

    The exception being foldables, but I’m not really sure that’s something I want or would use fully.

  • I think the trajectory of things are generally positive, but glacially slow, especially considering all the harm that gets perpetuated while waiting for that slow progress.

    I think that can be gut wretchingly frustrating for the newly radicalized. So I sympathize with the people who say it’s abhorrent and not enough. Because it is abhorrent. And it’s not enough. But we must be pragmatic in our actions. America simply doesn’t have the class consciousness necessary for sweeping overnight change, yet.

  • I’ve gotten pretty good at making a hashbrown in about 7 minutes in the morning.

    You grate the potato on a box grater, squeeze out whatever water you can, spread it over a plate, microwave it for 2 minutes with a paper towel over it, then pan fry for about 2 min on each side.

    Preshredding does take out a part of that work, but it doesn’t seem worth it for the amount of potato I eat. I’m not feeding a family, though.

    I wonder if you could get a good crisp out of the bagged shreds by similarly microwaving them. This part removes moisture and par-cooking them brings out their starches, which is what you need for a crispy hash brown.

  • Her policies say she will remove most US bases, not all. We still need some imperialism after all.

    Her platform mentioned ending forced prison labor but not revoking the 13th.

    She says she will support land back initiatives, but does that mean returning Manhattan? Absolutely not.

    Stein’s policies are very progressive, but she still exists within America and it’s inherent imperialist and colonialist nature.

    She also has zero chance of winning. Do you see a path to victory for Stein? Can you outline it?

    Let’s imagine for a moment that there is no Jill Stein. Do you think there is a materialistic difference between a Harris and Trump presidency? Do you think one is preferable to the other?

  • You’re right.

    That said, that isn’t a pragmatic goal. Jill Stein cannot win because of the USA’s backwards election systems. Furthermore, it’s imperative that Trump and the right do not win considering the effect it will have on social issues, civic rights and climate policy.

    That said, Jill Stein would still be complicit with the imperialistic horrors of America, as I don’t think her policies include removing every US base on foreign soil, completely disbanding every single US police department and emptying every prison while revoking the 13th Amendment and replacing it with one that actually bars slavery, and returning all stolen land back to the Natives it was taken from, nor do I think she is capable of doing those things with the US in its current state.

    By supporting Jill Stein, you are also saying that systemic racism and genocide are not dealbreakers. You are inadvertently cherry picking which genocides you can stomach.

  • Yah, if perpetuating systemic racism, imperialism and oppression is a deal breaker on a candidate, there is and will not be an American presidential candidate that it is appropriate to vote for. None.

    But as Lenin said, we must participate in bourgeois elections, though we can’t expect them to bring results, lest they be dominated entirely by the bourgeoisie.