For me deck games should give at least 2hours and a half of battery life, some of those titles aren’t good for deck even if they work on Linux and have controller controls.
Spanish roleplayer.
For me deck games should give at least 2hours and a half of battery life, some of those titles aren’t good for deck even if they work on Linux and have controller controls.
Couldn’t be done something like a reversed book encryption? Something that is plain text and perfectly readable but that you can use to decrypt a message?
Wouldn’t binary transfer in base64 be undescifrable as they could be files in a proprietary format?
Slay & Dice is keeping my sanity after a year in the hospital with a family member. Great mobile game.
They are releasing adventure mode in the steam version on the 23rd.
Shan ara chronicles has just that and I searched it in tvtropes: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/TheShannaraChronicles#:~:text=The Shannara Chronicles is an American post-apocalyptic fantasy drama television
The Reveal: Not that the characters particularly care, but Safehold turns out to be the 3000 year old remains of San Francisco
I wish matrix could replace discord.