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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Please stop using, like all those terms.

    Texas does believe in their Christian Nationalist Imperialism where all oil on the planet was given to them by God and Brown people should understand that. This should make sense because they were less than a backwater till they realized their black gold finally made them as rich and powerful as they always should have been, and people finally had to accept that God chose them specifically.

    But that’s mostly it, and Texans are just partiuclarly insane, they literally fought 2 wars of independence because their parent country wanted to tone down slavery, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have had any of the middle eastern bullshit over the last, basically century. As oil dies down they can go back to being a worthless shithole desert and we can all ignore them again like we should.

  • I don’t think that’s the game being played now, the new meta is forcing your enemy to be so busy tearing themselves apart that you are free to act anywhere in the world.

    If Russia wins in Ukraine, then the Sino-Russian axis can start taking a more active stance in the middle-east, and Israel has to deal with Iran without a blank cheque from the US, and even Saudi Arabia has to make compromises.

    It’s in all their interests that the US fall to utter chaos, and Trump is the Lord of Chaos incarnate.

    The argument against that is that Iran actually had a chance under Obama to rejoin parts of the global order, and was open to that.

    I think one mistake we all make in geopolitics is to see countries as monolithic, I suspect Iran has political factions that want to bury the hatchet, and factions violently opposed to the same, much like every country has different opinions among themselves.

  • No, they have many other plans, mostly to try to create legal arguments at the last minute for why the election should happen but was illegitimate.

    Basically 2020 on steroids because they have the money for lawyers already.

    But also, there’s hope this is trumps last hurrah, and after this the party will magically go back to only caring about tax cuts and gun rights, like this was all a bad dream.

    I think you massively underestimate how hard paleoconservatives are trying to delusionally rationalize their way out of this so they can both get the votes of the racist, violent dixiecrats, while always pretending they aren’t actually a part of the party.

    They just want to get back to that again.

  • The problem with the 2nd amendment isn’t that it wasn’t updated, it’s that it was.

    The 14th amendment incorporated the other amendments such that they did not only restrict the power of the federal government upon the states and citizens, as the founders intended, but also restricted the states (so you couldn’t have southern states being evil to their citizens).

    But the 2nd amendment was incorporated radically under Heller, when it should have been incorporated in a more moderate way, such that regulations were possible, within reason, not the wild-west that Heller imposed.

    The 13th should have been reinterpreted by the courts such that many of our current forms of incarcerated service were considered beyond the line and became de facto slavery, particularly when imposed by southern states as they were.

    Honestly the fundamental problem with post-bellum American jurisprudence was giving southern states any benefit of the doubt of being remotely human when they repeatedly violated every such standard.