The movie you’re looking for, generally, is called Peppermint and stars Jennifer Garner (in between credit card commercials). It’s a fun movie.
The movie you’re looking for, generally, is called Peppermint and stars Jennifer Garner (in between credit card commercials). It’s a fun movie.
I saw this movie in theaters with no expectations, and I’ve seen a lot of action movies in theaters. There was a palpable shift in that moment, a few people audibly gasped, and then we were all on board.
He doesn’t kill anyone that doesn’t have it coming, most of them many times over. He lets the bouncer go, makes peace with Viggo’s brother, lets Cassian live, and honestly seems to just want to live in peace after he sends a bunch of souls for judgement. It’s like Creasy in Man on Fire; forgiveness is between them and God, it’s up to him to arrange the introduction.
Counterargument, Inception is one of the most pretentious Nolan movies. Every Nolan movie is essentially that scene with Keanu asking a chef “Do you have anything that plays with the concept of time?”
It’s supposed to be smart, that’s the annoying part. It’s just not that smart. And yes, I did see Dunkirk, and yes, I hated it despite it being visually gorgeous.
Venezuelan oil is “dirty” IIRC. Apparently it’s good for bunker fuel (imagine the dirtiest sludge ever used for pushing giant ships around the ocean and you’ve got a good idea of bunker fuel), but requires significantly more refining than Saudi or US crude oil. So yay for Venezuela, but also the US would rather just replace the government with the help of that three-letter agency that shall not be named and deal with someone who went to an Ivy but is “Venezuelan enough”.