It may be possible to get past that, I’ve seen people disassembling the battery to get the BMC and connecting the DC power supply to that instead.
It sounds way more risky than OP’s initial idea. I wouldn’t recommend taking apart batteries.
It may be possible to get past that, I’ve seen people disassembling the battery to get the BMC and connecting the DC power supply to that instead.
It sounds way more risky than OP’s initial idea. I wouldn’t recommend taking apart batteries.
I think they are wondering if one extension can use both v2 and v3 APIs at once? As in whether v3 APIs will be “backported” to allow v2 extensions to use them
I don’t think I have enough knowledge to solve this or say anything for certain, but I wonder if the power button is treated as an external keyboard and is getting ignored in tablet mode?
I’m using an app to use my Android phone as a webcam, which works great (good low light performance!) provided I can stand it up somewhere above my laptop screen (finicky). You can accidentally knock it over. Might be worth considering if you don’t use the camera much - otherwise an external one will probably attach better and he more stable
As a Dell user, not very happy with mine. Uneven backlight/bleeding, poor build quality (screen glass misaligned with the bezels, keyboard keys coming out which aren’t covered under warranty according to Dell, parts of the keyboard failing, trackpad click failing - the trackpad is integrated into the chassis so that had to be replaced) and it’s quite overpriced.
That said, some models are Ubuntu certified and get firmware updates without Windows Update