• 28 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • nearly impossible to have a logically sound and consistent moral framework.

    Moral belief, I agree with. Framework sounds much more maleable. I think it’s doable but you need tolerances. Since a framework would shape your belief and everyone have to fill in the blanks for themselves. Two different people could have wildly different conclusions working with the same moral outline. We have to allow for failings but also recognize the failings and adapt. If there is some give and allowances for people to be wrong it makes it less strenuous and easier to uphold your own personal morality.

    Like or not Christianity deals with this. It’s a confusing system, purposefully so church leaders can police it, but jesus offers forgiveness. They are so confident in it that Jesus can offer forgiveness for things that no normal person would be able to. I’m not saying the Christian implementation is the right one but I think it allowed the religion to flourish.

  • But isn’t that the most honest answer. Some form of mania. The GOP want us to live in a world where only democrats can ignite extremist violent outbursts. All while courting extremists. If the democrats rhetoric makes people violent then surely the GOPs rhetoric will do the same?

    I dunno. I’m trying to apply logic to an illogical argument. So much of the time we should just shut these people off and work are hardest to deplatform them rather then just fact checking. It’s a type of pollution, which is fine in small doses, but it’s destroying the public square. That and all the shameless advertisments.

  • I think this applies to me too. Being properly medicated helps. End of the day though I’m not really sure what would “make me happy.” Personally, I’d like to reduce stressors and spend more time being creative. I usually don’t have the mental capacity to stay focused enough after work.

    I do get glimpses of happiness. I’m probably more in touch with my vulnerable side, though. Finding something that will release some water from my eyes always gets backfilled with a feeling of relief and joy. Last time I got high and watched the boy the mole the fox and the horse, I was balling. It felt good. I just hope you don’t take pride in the hardened shell that’s grown around you. You’ll never be motivated to chisel away at it.