Juiceboxforyou on YouTube does this for me, watching them gets my drive back for wanting to get my nugget working again.
This video of theirs always get me inspired:
My very simple guess is this. It requires more parts, bigger assembly line, overall higher complexity, adds weight, makes the headset more fragile, and so forth, so I’m sure if they can make a design that accommodates the majority of users, it is cheaper to say “good enough” then to design and accommodate for the rest of the potential users
Um what? From the article you posted
They were both traveling on the right side of the road of (based on the supplied pictures from the articles) a two way, single lane each way street, and the ambulance turned right and didn’t cross any traffic, thus the Ambulance didn’t make a illegal turn.
The Ambulance should be at fault, and the Fire and Rescue should be covering charges as the ambulance driver wasn’t being well aware enough to make the turn, but at the same time Hoesch, The cyclists, also should have given way.
I’m all for less cars on the road, but don’t go throwing information that isn’t true, please.