I feel so isolated, so depressed and anxious whenever I think of things such as getting my GED or finally heading out to go to a dentist and get my teeth fixed. Or hanging out with my worthless, POS problematic family. I have no idea why. I know I’m not smart enough for the GED and I fear things going wrong. I just wanna get it done in just one or a few days. I just want to rest and live without a diploma since I believe I sorta have average intelligence as I was told before. I don’t really have college plans cause I have no interest in anything, and I know there’s some colleges out there that don’t require a diploma or similar.

I just really wish I could pay someone to take it for me or do it in a way that doesn’t take a long time or just bypass it. I don’t even feel like living.

  • AddLemmus@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Oh, he might be me. 1 also applies to 2: Don’t see “dentist” as this complex task that is about figuring out what to do, getting the money, getting it done.

    Focus on one thing: Get a quick cheap appointment for a first assessment. Typically 10 - 20 minutes, I think, unless he does same day x-ray.

    OP would feel like a million bucks when he walks out and has a first idea how how extensive the work will be. When I was in that situation, I was sure it would be horrific, like many pulled teeth, expensive dentures. In reality, there were just lots of discolourations and 5 cavities, which is not great, but so much better than I thought. And it’s likely that my case is already near worst-case, because with anything more, there’d be enormous pain and infections.

    If dentist anxiety is involved, first step is to find a dentist who specialises in that. Like, when you first come, he’d have a talk in the office, not the dentist chair, and only if you feel like it, he’d have a look based on your limits (e. g. no instruments in mouth, not on the dentist chair, etc.).