A generation’s fault =/= the fault of every individual in that generation
Correct. But climate change is specifically the fault only of this Grandma.
Maybe for boomers generation we should bring back throwing the elderly off cliffs, then stop. It’ll make future generations wary of the tradition returning. 🤔
You say that but I currently know middle managers from the gen x and millennial generation expecting people to drive into work when they could be running their businesses from home and should be minimalizing the emissions. Grandma didn’t make them do that.
Taylor swift and her private jet are of the millennial timeline.
I don’t know a lot of grandmas with a private jet.
And grandma isn’t providing you all with the plastic bottle waste. She isn’t forcing Coca Cola down your throat. Which btw is still being enjoyed by millenials who still are keeping these giant assholes in business. Grandma didn’t make you do that.
Grandmas aren’t forcing you to drive a combustible engine car.
Grandmas aren’t calling up to make the oil companies dump into the sea.
Grandmas aren’t releasing c8 into all the water infecting everyone just so you can have some non stick floss.
These are current day decisions. They are STILL current day decisions of the current generation in power of decision to continue to use, take advantage of, build on top of or change.
so don’t shuffle off the blame off yourself and your own generation are doing to your grandma for what these fuck faces are continuing to be doing in the current generations running the show. They have their own free will and choice to fuck us all up with their selfish behaviour.
If anything: grandmas may have even taught a few people how to knit. And cook frugal with little food because some even lived through a war. Those are actually sustainable hobbies believe it or not. That’s not something you can ‘attribute’ to current day generations for all the shit they partake in that isn’t sustainable. /rant over.
Ok Boomer
Ok Trump lover. He is after all what your generation allowed into power. Good luck on explaining that one to the future generations.
Lol ok boomer
Ok bigot.
Listen smoogs, untwist your panties a bit. I didn’t vote for Trump, but I do know people in my millennial generation that did. I’d call them boomer, too. That’s how I take this meme, not as a slight against baby boomers, but the mentality of people that vote in ways that harm us. If you want to blame me and call me bigot for doing everything I can to prevent shit like that, by all means boomer, you’re doing a bang up job helping.
Shell is currently releasing pure death into the air and water (biggest oil spill 2010 - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time ) and nestle charges for water use (flint water disaster 2014 - - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time) baby formula was 1974 - (Richard Nixon ) and dupont released c8 into water supply in 1984. - (Ronald Reagan).
This could have been reversed any time in the last 60, even 15 yrs.
Calm down, find a better therapist and Get educated.
Loool triggered ya eh? Imagine weaponizing therapy and education. Just go vote boomer.
First, it’s a meme. The context is the grandma is of the generation since the meme is a known thing. It’s not specifically calling out grandmas. That seems a bit lost on you.
Second, they did make the decisions we are currently in and fought to make it conventional knowledge. They allowed the mechanisms of balance within the government to go so far off the scale that coming back it so daunting I am not sure how it can get there.
And third, it’s a joke. Jokes have hints of truths and hints of fiction. They should provocative healthy discussions. It comes off as super aggressive at some meme. No one is attacking you personally by posting this.
If you are pissed at the situation, I understand. I’m pissed too.
One thing I’m unsure of is whether warming is so bad because a) planet was warmer multiple time in prehistory and it led to abidance of life b) we live in interglacial period and if that perid ends we are going to fight much worse calamity and need much more energy. Even getting out could become life threatening.
On the other hand Venus situation is also not ideal.
Speed of change.
Natural climate changes happen over tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years
Not tens to hundreds of years.
Not always, check Sahara for instance. Went from grass lands with biggest lake on planet to dust dry place within hundreds of years as Egyptians who built pyramids still lived in period before total desrtification. That affected whole world climate BTW.
A green Sahara is the anomaly.
it’s cycle that reapeats itself, I suppose it can seem unusual.
It’s on a 40000+ year cycle, it’s not expected to be naturally green for another 15000 years. And some of the people who study this say that it is dry for the majority of the time (idk the actual breakdown that they claim but it is not a measly 1-2%).
So yes, a green Sahara is unusual.
My point is It’s irrelevant whether you think of it as such, OP point is climate changed in that time relatively fast dispite humans not going through industrial revolution. It manifested among else in Sahara.
Are you trying to say manmade climate change isn’t as bad for us as its being made out to be?
Because if you are, the planet literally doesn’t care and if some of the more basic lifeforms survive, life will go on.
But what we are worried about is whether it is habitable for humans, and we are fucking over our ability to survive at several magnitudes faster than is normal for our little rock spaceship.