Notice how one of the underlying messages of the cartoon is that it’s Zionist Karen that is the real antisemite: by deeming that those demonstrating against the killing of children are antisemite (literally: against Jews), she is implying that killing children is a Jewish thing to do.
This is very much the kind of racism displayed by those who equate anti-Israel with antisemitic: they’re implying that Israel and its actions are all core Jewsih chracteristics, de facto slandering all Jews including those who disagree with Israel and/or its actio s, so they’re the ones who by definition are antisemite.
Sums it up. Fuck the fascist, genocidal Israeli leadership, and fuck the population of Israel as well because overall they support what is going on.
And fuck US governments and institutions that invest in and fund Israel. Divest! Now!
I don’t hate Jewish people, but I am certain with all this bullshit Israel is pulling, the population of people that do is growing.
Biden should be sending weapons to Hamas.
Biden supplied weapons to ISIS well enough to fight Syria, and now he is supplying weapons to ukrainian terrorists well enough to fight Russia and the European economy.
Biden supplied weapons to ISIS well enough to fight Syria, and now he is supplying weapons to ukrainian terrorists well enough to fight Russia and the European economy.
Terrorists? People defending their land from Russian invaders?
less USAID propaganda, cub)