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The original was posted on /r/gnome by /u/eriolloan on 2024-09-16 03:25:05+00:00.

Update : an issue was already opened in Nautilus, follow this link instead if you’re interested:

Initial request to GLib (now closed):

Hi everyone,

Following the discussion started by u/shegonneedatumzzz about the lack of custom symbolic icons for bookmarked directories in Nautilus (original post), I wanted to let you know that I’ve submitted a feature request to the GLib GitLab for this functionality.

The idea is to allow users to set custom symbolic icons for directories in the bookmarks panel, which would make it much easier to distinguish between them.

Currently, while you can set custom icons, these don’t affect the symbolic icons shown in the sidebar, which are all the same. The request proposes adding a metadata::custom-symbolic-icon property that users can edit via command-line, and (hopefully) eventually through the UI.

If this is something you’re interested in, feel free to check out the feature request and vote for it! Your support could help get this feature implemented.
