I love cars (own several) and most are over 20 years old. Why? They were better. Smaller. Less tech. Better looking. Not controllable by your government/corporation (Elmo TeSSSla). I hate almost every new bloated rolling ad infested garbage i see now.
I would not say that we can completely get rid of cars, or that all cars are evil, but such absurdly big, extremely inefficient trucks with negligible visibility just should be taxed to shit.
At the very least you should need a special license to operate them. They’re classed differently to avoid safety and emissions regulations imposed on regular cars, so its perfectly reasonable that there should be different requirements to purchase them and get behind the wheel.
That’s brilliant.
I cannot believe my license lets me drive all sorts of vehicle sizes that can outright crush/kill, right off the bat.
But to operate a forklift or ride a motorcycle that is more likely to kill myself? Nah gotta have a license.
Giant land yacht with the LED permanent highbeams tilted up to blind oncoming traffic.
bUt ThEy ArE oNlY sElLiNg ThOsE bEcAuSe ThAt Is WhAt We DeMaNd
I remember reading a study done in the late 1990s (I’m pretty sure it was ford) that looked at who was most likely to buy a pickup truck so they could market them better, and they found the people who buy pickup trucks fall into 2 categories, one, a blue collar boss buying it for his employees, or two, an insecure man in his 30s-50s trying to compensate
a blue collar boss buying it for his employees
I assume this means for his business, to be used by employees? I can’t imagine a boss buying his employees a truck.
Gods I’d love A small truck like that if they made them, I know this is fuck cars and I agree with the sentiment, but I’d much rather these be everywhere than the monstrosities on the road today
Whenever I see some jackass driving these I comment to them how nice and clean it is. Usually they don’t get it but sometimes I go a step further and say “wow you must really never do any work with this work truck!” Fucking pussies
I looked inside a parked one yesterday and saw eyelash curlers.