Surprise surprise, her doctorate is in psychology. She works with special ed kids and I’m guessing she’s either decided or parents are self-reporting that they’re “vaccine injured.” 🙄 What an asshole.
“My little Johnny was a perfect student until the medical establishment gave him a learning disability!”
This seems to overlap psychologically with the “my child can do no wrong” crowd, the ones who blame teachers, coaches, librarians, video games, sugar, red dye, gluten, participation trophies, or pretty much anyone or anything except themselves for their child’s problems. The common thread is a profound lack of self-awareness.
On the anti-vaccination issue, there’s also a hefty dose of misinformation from people who are making money from selling the idea to gullible people, but there’s definitely a certain psychological profile who falls for it most often.
My aunt (worst human I’ve ever met) thinks the red dye thing is true too… Where do these people get their shit from!?
Wait for the sequel:
“I live in an iron lung and that’s ok!”
And the followup, “I’m blind because measles, and that’s ok!”
Nobody would give two shits if that was the problem. The problem is that their behavior endangers the safety of others and the integrity of society.
I don’t just mean people who cannot be vaccinated. Without vaccines, lockdowns like the ones during the covid pandemic would be in effect pretty much all the time. We have functioning vaccines against diseases that are much worse than covid. We got lucky in 2020.
what is a vaccine injury? I vaccinated my son with all the required vaccines and he has yet to be sick.
in some countries that is mandatory to be able to send your child to any school.
The title should be “I’m neglecting my child’s healthcare and that’s okay!”
Vaccinations need to be mandatory.
“My parents gambled with my health and that’s ok!”
And “my parents’ intellectual weakness put many others with immunological weaknesses at grave risk!”
First time I’m hearing about “vaccine injured” meaning they think a vaccine caused autism or something. When I read the post, with the context, I thought it meant like a physical injury that someone with special needs might suffer if they moved around during a vaccine. It’s actually disgusting that this person wrote a story likely about a kid with some form of neurodivergence and called toted them as a “vaccine injured child”.
It’s from a long debunked paper. Anyone claiming any correlation between vaccines and autism is willfully ignorant at this point.
The book ends with the kid dying from polio