Trying to force ISP’s to police their user’s internet traffic, as a means to stop piracy, is phenomenally stupid. All they’ve managed to do is make the internet worse for the average user while forcing a dramatic increase in the sophistication of piracy technology.
Hell, I would argue that the state and quality of pirated media is in some ways the best it’s ever been and the recording and film industries have indirectly contributed to that. Talk about irony.
Internet shutoff orders (including for nonpayment) should require a court approval IMO.
They know what they are doing. They are just trying to make enough hurdles to ensure normies don’t switch.
Piracy is deff on the rise but I doubt it will go mainstream and that’s what’s need to properly punish these rent seekers
Sure might be on the rise but still down from its peak.
streaming services were good, most of us just paid for it during that time many people lost the skills and wills to do the job.
gonna take a while for people to get properly pissed to retrain.
Thats what I think is funny about the whole thing. They’d effectively won against piracy then were like “cool everyone is paying now LETS FUCKIN DRAIN THE SLUTS”
Fuck record labels, having an internet connection is a basic human right.
Next, Google will sue Comcast because they allow users to watch YouTube videos over Newpipe.